Mrudani Subramanian
4Nomenal Publications
2 min readMay 21, 2021


Dear music studio,

I remember when you first took me in,
yellow lights overlooking me and
certificates on your walls overshadowing me.
And I thought "I am just a girl
who loves to sing."

I remember the first song I ever learnt.
The sounds would richochet back and forth
across your walls.
Like the sweep of a wave
dancing across the shore.
And it felt magical, almost unreal,
Like a dream that feels familiar,
but you cannot remember.
And I thought "I am just a girl
who loves to sing."

I remember the first audition I ever did.
Knees shaking and hands trembling,
I walked into the air-conditioned room,
but did not feel cold.
For you gave me the warmth,
that of a mother.
I took a deep breath and I thought
"I am just a girl
who loves to sing."

I remember the first performance I ever did.
An ugly pink and black dress,
sixty pairs of court shoes with dagger heels
making their way into a marble room of grandeur.
But somehow, I found myself singing to you.
Not to the judges nor the audience,
But to your big mirror, the soundproof walls,
the shifty wooden tiles, and the
century-old grand piano, thinking:
"I am just a girl
who loves to sing."

And I remember the last time you took me in.
I was older and I outgrew the
red shirt that I got in my first year, outgrew
the simple slow pieces at 80 BPM, outgrew
the tiny makeshift roll-up keyboard, and outgrew
my file which does not fit any more scores.
But I never outgrew you.

And I know I have not visited you lately,
for they will not let me in anymore.
But I swear on the
red shirt I got in my first year
and the simple slow pieces at 80 BPM
and the tiny makeshift roll-up keyboard
and my file which does not fit any more scores

That I am still that girl
who loves to sing.
I am still that girl overshadowed
by the certificates on your walls,
I am still that girl who was in awe of the way
music would richochet back and forth
across your walls,
I am still that girl who failed
her very first audition,
I am still that girl who sang to you
in her very first performance,
but most of all,
I am still that girl who loves to sing.

People haven’t always let me in,
but you always did.
Thank you to my favourite place in the world.

With love,
Voices as one.

