just another place

Ally Tan
4Nomenal Publications
1 min readMay 21, 2021

it is just another place that everyone visits,

but to me, it is like a magic lamp. pick it up, rub it,

make a wish,

and think of everything you need, everything you could possibly want,

everything you could possibly dream of.

make a wish,

and your wish will be granted faster than you can say Jack Robinson.


it is just another place that everyone visits,

but to me, it is like the Cave of Wonders, a place full of unpredictability.

it is like Doraemon’s pouch, a portal

which opens up to places of infinite possibilities, another dimension,

another universe that has yet to be fully explored,



it is just another place that everyone visits,

but to me, it is like a sanctuary,

a place where I take refuge from the storms of life,

where I find momentary solace in

the stories the people there tell, the music they make,

the movies they create.


it is just another place that everyone visits,

but it is a place that means a lot to me.

