my sword

4Nomenal Publications
1 min readMay 21, 2021

i wield you high

my fingers curl around your shaft

so naturally, it feels grafted to my skin.


i wield you steady

for as long as i can remember

before i learnt how to hold chopsticks or a toothbrush

it’s always been you.


i wield you firmly

my fingernail digging into the flesh of my palm

leaving behind a permanent red scar

an attestation to how often i call upon you.


i wield you confidently

for you open up the path before me

portals to unchartered lands

guiding me to safety, to solace,



i wield you gratefully

for accepting all of my flaws

being the permanent bedrock in my universe

i have no fears, no regrets when you are here with me.


i wield you preciously

for everything we’ve accomplished together

the late-night battle-cries

and maps sketched out, erased, and carved again.


i wield you

my trusty pencil

mightier than any sword.

