star gazing

4Nomenal Publications
2 min readMay 21, 2021

we arrived at our airbnbs a little before dusk, and i could barely form coherent thoughts. the excitement and anticipation vigorously bubbling through me.

the time had come, and i hurriedly jogged over to the meetup point, my footsteps in rhythm with my pounding heart. i remember how the staff in the van offered the passengers extra jackets, as it was predicted to be close to 4-degree celsius in the new zealand summer hill; how the balls of my feet never stayed still, eyes constantly darting out the window.

one step out of the van and i was left breathless,


the sky was a black canvas splattered with white and purple paint. like tiny specks of dust. so minute, so colourful. my eyes hungrily devoured the view, desperately trying to retain every detail; so much until i might have imagined my own reflection staring back. I stood for what seemed like an eternity, sinking in my daydream. I wondered what it would be like to float amidst the stars. to aimlessly orbit around the galaxy, with no fixed destination. i wondered how it would feel to have so many shooting stars that even genies were a child’s play. i wondered what it would feel like to belong, yet stand out. to have a purpose of existence, and be able to choose your own.

endless possibilities, questions unanswered.

it’s been years, and i admit i remember a little less now. the memory faded like an old receipt. yet i clung to the feeling of the cool breeze on my cheeks, enveloping me. my traitorous fingers giving in to the heat, trembling despite grasping onto the hot chocolate tumblr. was the tremble from the heat, or from the revelation of the beauty of the sky? safe to say probably both.

as for the questions? i believe some questions would be better left unanswered, for there is nothing certain in life, other than the curiosity fueling our engines to explore the world. like a star of our own.

