Odelia Teoh Si Hui
4Nomenal Publications
3 min readOct 19, 2021




Much too early, the song blares forth from the phone

Sleep not yet out of her eyes

She trudges to the bathroom

Washes up

Eats breakfast

One step out the door

Into the metal carriage waiting for her


The school is empty and silent

Save for the whistling and howling of the wind

The trees tremble with barely concealed exhaustion

Of a morning too soon begun

She sits at the desk and waits


The classroom fills up with students streaming in

Heading straight for their desks

Phones out, earpieces in

Heads on the table, clocking their sleep in


The students stand as one

Mouths a firm line underneath the opaque masks

Silence from them all as the anthem of national and school pride plays out

A ceremony of sorts, she thinks to herself, and raises her right fist

A ceremony we stopped participating in

Years back and still counting

Comfortable silence lingers in the classroom

As they stand united as one


Always a race against time

The question header at the top of the whiteboard

A goal in sight, competition for all


Always too many periods

Too many brain cells gone after a long day at school


Always a confounding complexity

A riddle of sorts

Too difficult to solve


Always tugging at our heartstrings

Turning our eyes to the issues that plague the world around us

Mother Tongue

Always the foreign language

The bane of our very existence

The passing mark not too far away…


Lunchboxes taken out, the aroma of various cuisines drifting through the classroom

The students mingle around

Eating and talking and talking and eating

Perhaps a clip or two can be shared

Eyes glued to the screen

Or an action-packed game played

Classmates in reality, comrades in arms

No fun is ever lost here in the classroom

For fun comes not from the activity, she notes,

But from the people one is with


When there used to be a hall filled with rackets and nets

Shuttlecocks flying everywhere

The voices of her teammates cheering as one

She now finds herself tucked away in the comforts of her home

The absence of CCA prominent

Like a gaping hole now filled with loneliness

Her hand empty where a racket once was

Strings pure white, frame a bright mirage of purple and orange

A strange cold seeping now into the palm of her outstretched hand

A space she fills with the mountain of worksheets, exercises and textbooks in front of her

Exams are unavoidable, she reminds herself

Everyone else is working hard too

The first year became the last year

The first period became the last ever

Here in the classroom, the students are silent

Reminiscing the times spent on the school grounds

Another ceremony, she thought

But as the bittersweet atmosphere was upon them

She believed that for this ceremony,

All would join in

No longer students entering as individuals

But friends and peers leaving as one

She took out her phone and turned on the camera

Snapping a picture of this family all together

The daily timetable, forever on repeat

From the day the empty classroom filled with its occupants

Til the day the classroom becomes silent

Empty once again

