chore: ramda-adjunct v2.13.0 release

Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2018
ramda-adjunct v2.13.0

We’ve just released ramda-adjunct v2.13.0. This release comes with compatibility support for ramda@0.26.1 which was released couple of days ago fixing problems with ES6 code getting untranspiled into the resulting bundles.

isBoolean, isRegExp, isDate

This predicates were using instanceof operator under the hood (using This proved to be a fatal mistake as this predicates report false negatives for objects passed from different frame boundaries or realms. For more information about this problem, refer to the original github issue. v2.13.0 is using String Tags to implement predicate logic for above mentioned predicate functions. There should be no additional problems with different realms anymore.

Part of this this release is also continual effort to make our tests even more better and consistent. We really do care about code quality and standards. We’ve also stopped running our tests on node 6.y.z and node 7.y.z. and instead we’ve started to run them on node 10.y.z and node 11.y.z.

Like always, I end my article with the following axiom: Define your code-base as pure functions and lift them only if needed. And compose, compose, compose…



Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct

Certified Open Source Software Engineer, OSS contributor, author and content creator. OSS is my passion and my profession. GitHub Star.