chore: ramda-adjunct v2.14.0 release

Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2019
ramda-adjunct v2.14.0

We’ve just released ramda-adjunct v2.14.0. This release brings ramda placeholder (currying) support for additional functions that hadn’t had them before. All of our predicate functions (and others) did not recognize the ramda placeholder when passed as only parameter. This meant that the following construct was not possible before but it’s possible now:

We haven’t implemented auto-curry support for binary functions as we considered it unnecessary. But there is question of keeping full consistency with ramda and supporting usecases where the auto-curry for binary functions is really necessary.

Below is a list of functions that have received auto-curry support:

dispatch, isArrayLike, isAsyncFunction, isBoolean, isDate, isEven,
isFinite, isFloat, isGeneratorFunction, isInteger, isNaN

We also progressively continue our effort to make the way how we produce our tests fully consistent, we’re at 50% of full consistency now. Our user base is steadily growing, currently we are at 650K downloads monthly. The list of npm dependents is also growing steadily, currently we’re looking at 109 public libraries using ramda-adjunct.

Like always, I end my article with the following axiom: Define your code-base as pure functions and lift them only if needed. And compose, compose, compose…



Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct

Certified Open Source Software Engineer, OSS contributor, author and content creator. OSS is my passion and my profession. GitHub Star.