chore: ramda-adjunct v2.35.0

Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct
Published in
Nov 1, 2021

We’ve just released ramda-adjunct@2.35.0. Release contains single new function that comes from community contribution. I originally thought that the author abandoned the PR, but after more than a year he’s responded and we were able to incorporate the PR into the codebase.


Creates a new object with the own properties of the provided object, and the keys copied according to the keysMap object as {oldKey: newKey}. When no key from the keysMap is found, then a shallow clone of an object is returned.

Like always, I end my article with the following axiom: Define your code-base as pure functions and lift them only if needed. And compose, compose, compose…



Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct

Certified Open Source Software Engineer, OSS contributor, author and content creator. OSS is my passion and my profession. GitHub Star.