chore: ramda-adjunct v3.0.0

Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2022

We’ve just released ramda-adjunct@3.0.0. This breaking change release comes with full support for the newly released ramda@0.28.0. Technically this is the only version of ramda that ramda-adjunct@3.x.0 currently supports. Some functions in ramda-adjunct API were deprecated for a long time, and we decided to remove them in 3.0.0 release.

Backwards incompatible API changes

RA.then and RA.thenP have been removed from the public library API. These functions are replaceable by R.andThen function.

RA.hasPath is replaceable by R.hasPath function.

RA.mergeRight, RA.mergeLeft and RA.resetToDefaults is replaceable by R.mergeLeft function.

RA.contained has been dropped and only it’s alias RA.included remains.

For full log of other changes please see our official CHANGELOG file.

Migration path

Given that I’m user of ramda-adjunct as well, I started to migrate my projects right after 3.0.0 release. It was quite smoothness. Here are the changes you need to make in your code base for successful migration:

import { then } from 'ramda-adjunct';
import { thenP } from 'ramda-adjunct';
// changes to
import { andThen } from 'ramda';
import { hasPath } from 'ramda-adjunct';
// change to
import { hasPath } from 'ramda';
import { mergeRight } from 'ramda-adjunct';
import { mergeLeft } from 'ramda-adjunct';
import { resetToDefaults } from 'ramda-adjunct';
// changes to
import { mergeLeft } from 'ramda';
import { contained } from 'ramda-adjunct';
// changes to
import { included } from 'ramda-adjunct';

If you’ll have problem migrating to 3.x release branch please leave me a message and I’ll try to help.

Like always, I end my article with the following axiom: Define your code-base as pure functions and lift them only if needed. And compose, compose, compose…



Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct

Certified Open Source Software Engineer, OSS contributor, author and content creator. OSS is my passion and my profession. GitHub Star.