chore: ramda-adjunct v3.1.0

Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct
Published in
Jun 18, 2022

More than a month ago we’ve released ramda-adjunct@3.1.0. This release article comes a bit late. For that I’m sorry. This release contains two new functions that come from community contributions — isBlank and sortByPaths. isBlank function specifically comes from the Ruby world. To learn more about it read this great article about differences between #nil?, #empty?, #blank?, and #present?.


Returns true if the given value is its type's empty value, false, undefined as well as strings containing only whitespace characters; false otherwise.


Sorts a list of objects by a list of paths (if first path value is equivalent, sort by second, etc).

Like always, I end my article with the following axiom: Define your code-base as pure functions and lift them only if needed. And compose, compose, compose…



Vladimír Gorej
Ramda Adjunct

Certified Open Source Software Engineer, OSS contributor, author and content creator. OSS is my passion and my profession. GitHub Star.