Request for Startups: Climate Change

Reversing Climate Change and building our Long Term Future

Adam McNamara
Ramen Ventures


Climate Change is one of those phrases that makes a terrifying idea sound harmless.

Next time you hear Climate Change, imagine heat you can’t stand, air you can’t breathe, water that poisons life, and floods, droughts, and storms that devastate. That’s where scientists say we’re headed.

Ramen Ventures exists to invest in startups that are “improving long-term outcomes for humanity.” So far we’ve invested in companies that are reinventing genetic testing, blood testing, designing drugs to cure cancers and bringing financial services to 1.2 billion Africans (to name a few).

All of these startups are creating a fantastic future, but we won’t get to enjoy it if Climate Change makes Earth uninhabitable (or at least miserable to live on). That’s why we think Climate Change is the most critical problem to work on right now.

Project Drawdown has created the World’s best list of solutions to Climate Change. Their team of two hundred scientists and researches has stack-ranked 100 climate change solutions by cost, savings, and CO2 reduction.

The top 25 current solutions to climate change from Project Drawdown

Some of these solutions require governments to act (which you can do!) But most are up to entrepreneurs and innovators to make happen. We need technical, business model, and cultural innovations to make living sustainably sexy.

Countless other moonshots — like fusion energy, ocean farming, solid-state wave energy, and repopulating the Mammoth Steppe — aren’t ready yet. Those, too, need brilliant inventors and innovators to make them a reality.

If you’re working on a solution to Climate Change, tell us about it at Let’s invent the future we need.



Adam McNamara
Ramen Ventures

Founder at McNamara Family Investments. Past: Founded Ramen Ventures, VP Product at Shopify.