raml-javascript-generator Quick Start

Jonathan Stoikovitch
RAML by Example


raml-javascript-generator is a tool that generates JavaScript API clients from RAML API definitions. It takes a RAML file as input and outputs a NPM package.

Let’s start by installing raml-javascript-generator:

$ npm install raml-javascript-generator -g

We now need a RAML file, let’s use the world-music-api from the raml-org/raml-examples repository. At this point, we can either reference a local RAML file or point to a remote one using an URL:

$ raml-javascript-generator https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raml-org/raml-examples/e91308b/others/world-music-api/api.raml -o world-music-api

Let’s take a closer look inside:

$ cd world-music-api/
$ ls -1 ./

The result is an installable NPM package with all its dependencies defined in package.json.

$ cat package.json | jq .dependencies
"client-oauth2": "^2.1.0",
"xtend": "^4.0.1",
"request-promise": "^4.2.2",
"request": "^2.34",
"setprototypeof": "^1.0.1",
"query-string": "^5.0.0"

It also generates a README with basic usage instructions. Let's take a look at some of those instructions:

$ grep -o '#### `.*' README.md 
#### `api.get([query, [options]])`
#### `api.post([body, [options]])`
#### `entry.post([body, [options]])`
#### `entry.get([query, [options]])`
#### `songs.get([query, [options]])`
#### `songs.post([body, [options]])`
#### `songs.songId({ songId }).get([query, [options]])`

Great! Now, we can install the generated library:

$ npm install

and use it in our JavaScript code.

But before playing further, we’ll need to have an API backend running. We’ll use osprey-mock-service for that (don't forget to check-out this osprey-mock-service post):

$ osprey-mock-service -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raml-org/raml-examples/e91308b/others/world-music-api/api.raml -p 1234
Mock service running at http://localhost:1234

Now that we have an API backend running, we can query using our world-music-api library:

# test.js
const WorldMusicAPI = require('.')
const client = new WorldMusicAPI({baseUri: 'http://localhost:1234/v1'})

client.songs.songId({'songId': 1}).get().then((response) => {

Then, running this snippet will output:

node test.js 
{ title: 'My Song', length: 12 }

