raml2html Quick Start

Jonathan Stoikovitch
RAML by Example
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2018


raml2html is a documentation generator for RAML. It supports RAML 1.0. It provides both a CLI and a NodeJS library. It also supports custom themes.

To begin, let’s download a sample RAML file:

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raml-org/raml-examples/master/others/mobile-order-api/api.raml > api.raml
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raml-org/raml-examples/master/others/mobile-order-api/assets.lib.raml > assets.lib.raml

Install raml2html:

$ npm install -g raml2html

Then the raml2html CLI can be used:

$ raml2html api.raml > api_spec.html

Which will generate an HTML file api_spec.html that can be opened in a browser.

