RAMP Tokenomics Design and Public Token Sale

Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2020

ERC20 Token Contract Address: 0x33D0568941C0C64ff7e0FB4fbA0B11BD37deEd9f

Please do not trust any other contract address that is different from the above.

RAMP DEFI Website: https://rampdefi.com

Token Supply and Supply Allocation

RAMP total token supply shall be 1,000,000,000 (the “Total Supply”).

The Total Supply is allocated as follow:

Token Sale Allocation and Fundraising

The RAMP Token Sale is divided into two stages:

  • Private Sale: 180,000,000 RAMP at USD0.0060 per RAMP.
  • Public Sale: 10,000,000 RAMP at USD0.0080 per RAMP.

The fundraise from each funding round is expected to be as follow:

  • USD1,080,000 from the Private Sale; and
  • USD80,000 from the Public Sale.

The gross fundraise is expected to be USD1,160,000.

Note: The private sale round has been completed. We thank all interested parties for your support! Please kindly participate in the public sale if you would like to get access to RAMP tokens.

Expected Use of Proceeds

Tokens Vesting Schedule

RAMP Public Sale

The Public Sale date has been finalized for 10 October 2020, 10pm Singapore time.

  • Based on the vesting schedules of the private and public sales, the initial unlocked circulating supply is ~4.6%, on the assumption that all investors allow their tokens to enter circulation.
  • The Public Sale tokens are priced at 0.008 USDT per RAMP, and the total RAMP supply is 1,000,000,000.

Please reference the following Public Sale article for sale process details:

*Edited on 1 Oct 2020*

Join the RAMP Community

RAMP DEFI is a decentralized finance solution that focuses on unlocking liquid capital from staked digital assets. This is achieved by letting users collateralize their portfolio of staked assets into a common stablecoin standard, rUSD, which can in turn be used to borrow fiat-back capital such as USDT or USDC.

Using the RAMP solution, users can continue to receive staking rewards, retain capital appreciation potential on their staked portfolio, and recycle staked capital into new investment opportunities at the same time. The addressable market for staked assets today is upwards of USD22bn, and RAMP DEFI has a vision of USD1bn in “Total Value Unlocked (TVU)” for our users by end 2021.

If you are interested to follow RAMP DEFI and get in touch with the project team members, you can participate and receive timely updates from the following official channels:

For partnerships, media or other collaboration opportunities, please email: team@rampdefi.com.




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