The Advantages of Decentralized Storage over Traditional Cloud Storage

IPFS, Arweave, Filecoin to name a few…

Jorrel S
5 min readDec 29, 2022


One of my favorite topics that I love to talk about with other founders and entrepreneurs is the concept of Decentralized storage, and how it’s the most underestimated technology that has come out of the blockchain boom!

So instead of simply just rehashing the same conversation over again, I figured I’d just write down the advantages of the decentralized storage. I’ll write a future article on it’s powerful impact in the growing AI and data processing space, but for now, let’s start here.

Ok to start things off, what the heck is decentralized storage???

Decentralized storage is a technology that allows users to store data on a network of distributed computers, rather than on a central server. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we store and access data, particularly in the cloud.

Here are some of the more convincing reasons why decentralized storage could solve many of the issues we face with traditional cloud storage, with a focus on its increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness at scale:

1. Decentralized storage is more secure:

One of the main advantages of decentralized storage is its increased security. When data is stored on a centralized server, it is vulnerable to attacks, such as hacking or data breaches. Hackers can easily target a central server and access the data stored on it, potentially causing significant damage or stealing sensitive information. In contrast, decentralized storage systems distribute data across a network of computers, making it much more difficult for hackers to access. As a result, decentralized storage offers increased security and protection for data.

In addition to distributing data across a network of computers, decentralized storage systems also often use encryption and other security measures to further protect data. Encryption scrambles data into a code that can only be accessed with a special key, making it much more difficult for hackers to access and read the data. Other security measures, such as authentication protocols and firewalls, can also be implemented to increase the security of decentralized storage systems.

2. Decentralized storage is more reliable:

Photo by Mario Heller on Unsplash

Another advantage of decentralized storage is its increased reliability. With traditional cloud storage, if the central server goes down, users cannot access their data. This can be a major inconvenience and can lead to lost productivity and revenue for businesses. In contrast, decentralized storage systems are distributed across a network of computers, so if one computer goes down, the data is still accessible from other computers on the network. This makes decentralized storage much more resilient and reliable, as it is less likely to be affected by a single point of failure.

Decentralized storage systems often use redundancy, or the practice of storing multiple copies of data in different locations, to further increase reliability. This means that even if one copy of the data is lost or corrupted, there are still other copies available to be accessed.

3. Decentralized storage is more efficient:

Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash

Decentralized storage systems are also more efficient than traditional cloud storage, particularly at scale!!! When data is stored on a centralized server, it can become overloaded with requests, leading to slow access and performance. This is especially true as the amount of data being stored on the server increases, as the server must be able to handle the additional load. In contrast, decentralized storage systems are distributed across a network of computers, allowing for faster access and better performance.

This is because the data is not stored on a single server, but rather is distributed across multiple computers on the network. As a result, decentralized storage systems are able to handle larger amounts of data without experiencing a decrease in performance. In addition, decentralized storage systems can also easily scale up or down to meet the changing needs of users, allowing for greater flexibility and efficiency.

4. Decentralized storage is more cost-effective:

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

Not simply just being more efficient, decentralized storage systems are also much more cost-effective than traditional cloud storage, particularly at scale. This is because decentralized storage systems do not require expensive hardware and infrastructure, as they rely on a network of computers rather than a central server. As a result, businesses and individuals can store and access large amounts of data using decentralized storage without incurring significant costs...

Also adding to the upfront costs of hardware and infrastructure, traditional cloud storage can also be expensive to maintain and upgrade. Decentralized storage systems, on the other hand, do not require as much maintenance, as the network of computers used for storage is distributed and managed by individual users rather than a central provider. This can lead to significant cost savings over time.

5. Decentralized storage is more private:

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Decentralized storage systems also offer increased privacy compared to traditional cloud storage. This is because decentralized storage systems do not rely on a central server, which can be accessed by the cloud storage provider or other third parties. With decentralized storage, data is distributed across a network of computers, making it much more difficult for outsiders to access.

Plus, decentralized storage systems often use encryption and other security measures to protect data, which can further increase privacy. For individuals or businesses that value privacy and want to ensure that their data is not accessed by third parties, decentralized storage can be a great option.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

In conclusion, decentralized storage has the potential to solve many of the issues we face with traditional cloud storage. It is more secure, more reliable, more efficient, and more private. In addition, decentralized storage is much more cost-effective, particularly at scale. As decentralized storage technology continues to develop and mature, it is likely that we will see more and more businesses and individuals adopt it as a secure and cost-effective way to store and access large amounts of data.

hmmm I wonder what emerging technology out there stores and access large amounts of data…;)



Jorrel S

Co-founder of Mintplex (YC S22) and a former full-stack Data Analyst