Object detection(Tensorflow) + ROS(Robot Operating System) + Isaac(Robot 模擬)

Ran ( AI Deep Learning )
2 min readMay 15, 2019

這篇文章,將在 Ubuntu 的 workstation 上,實現 Object detection(Tensorflow) + ROS(Robot Operating System) + Isaac(Robot 模擬 )。(本文章內容經筆者實現驗證過)

  • Object detection:使用 Tensorflow 實現 object detection
  • ROS:Robot Operating System
  • Isaac:Robot 模擬
  • Start the carter_sim Application
bazel run apps/carter_sim:carter_sim -- --config="apps/assets/maps/carter_warehouse_p.config.json" --graph="apps/assets/maps/carter_warehouse_p.graph.json"

…… 進行中


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Ran ( AI Deep Learning )

Senior Electronic R&D Manager。(DL Algorithm、software and hardware),ran1988mail@gmail.com,https://medium.com/ran-ai-deep-learning