Art by Brandon Vaughan

Dark Poetry | Poetry on Medium | Poetry | Poems | Self


A Poem by Rebel Angel

Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2023


“I’ll ruin your life in ways I haven’t even thought of yet
I can’t see the good in shit bc I’m blind with rage
There’s no relief in belief
A motif of disbelief
No end to trouble
A million to one odds on the back
of your losing Powerball
The sudden left turn in your future
Napalm melting the arctic shelves
Trigger happy Large Hadron Collider
Fifty car pile up on Christmas eve
Dummy bullet in the firing squad
I can’t think straight since I lost my mind
A white-washed Spaniard behind enemy lines
I don’t smile bc the good don’t last
And I only frown bc it’s a smile upside down
Frankenstein’s monster without a friend
Bolts in my neck so my head don’t take flight
Adopted and abandoned in one lifetime
Born too fast to slow down fate
God said “Sink or swim” so I did both
Grey skies where the sun don’t k
I can’t relax bc my feet never stop
I’m not sound bc I can barely hear
I’ll trade these magic beans for a mile in your shoes
My lips are sealed but I never shut up
My stamp on the world will be a skid mark
The water bearer drowned in fire
My beacon of light is a will-o-the-wisp
A compass only showing true south
Teeth rotting out of your mouth
Nothing to no one bc I’m no one to anyone
A bad penny oxidizing your daydreams
And I act like you’re…



I write fiction, poetry, a weekly column, essays, mental health articles, and all the weird in my head. RIP Rebel Angel