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Erotica | Holiday Romance

Ayla’s Erotic Advent Calendar — Christmas Eve

Eva Oscura
Agency Magazine
Published in
6 min readDec 24, 2023


I had expected Jake to drive me home from his parent’s place the previous evening, but his mom wanted him to stay and help her with something, so his dad ended up taking me. I was sad because I’d intended to take him up to my place and finish off what we’d started earlier, but I understood he needed to do family stuff.

It was Christmas Eve, and that meant it was the last day of our advent calendar. Tomorrow there would be no more gold envelopes and fun little messages from my lover. It had been a month of sexy adventures and I was no longer the girl I was in November. My confidence had grown and I walked through life with a new sense of self-assurance I never had before. But it was more than that. I had to face the fact that I had fallen in love with my best friend, and there was nothing I could do to change that. The question was, did he feel the same way about me? I was afraid to broach the subject with him because it could be awkward and destroy the beautiful friendship we’d enjoyed for so many years.

I decided whatever the outcome, I would just let the situation play out and deal with any fallout in the new year. I was never very good at facing situations head on, and standing in front of Jake and telling him I was in love with him, when he might not feel the same way filled me with dread.

I opened my envelope slowly that morning knowing it would be the very last one I would ever open:

Darling Munchkin,

We’ve make it all the way to Christmas Eve and it’s time for the most exciting one of all (drum roll please). You’re going to need to pack for this one — nothing fancy, perhaps some warm layers, lots of that beautiful lingerie and that sexy little elf costume. Do not forget the elf costume or your ass will be tingling for a week!

I let you down last year when I went away for Christmas, but I won’t be doing that this year. I promise you a Christmas to remember and hopefully you won’t be sick of me by Boxing Day. I’m sending a car to pick you up at two, so be ready.

See you soon,

Jake x

I instantly felt guilty and a little bit sick. Was this what this entire advent calendar thing had been all about? Because he still felt bad that I’d spent last Christmas on my own.

I pulled out an overnight bag and started to throw in things a little blindly. Sweaters, leggings, and an armful of fancy lingerie landed in the bag in a big heap along with the sexy elf costume. I was trying not to think dark thoughts, but once something like that finds its way into your brain, it’s really hard to look beyond it.

When I got outside to meet the car Jake had sent for me, I was a little surprised to be met by a large SUV instead of the normal economy cars that Uber sent. The driver jumped out of his seat and grabbed my bag for me, before opening my door. “It’s a long drive Ms. Carter, so make yourself comfortable.”

“Where are we going?” I asked.

The driver tapped the side of his nose with a grin. “Big secret.”

We headed out of the city on the road Jake and I had taken just a couple of weeks before. As we climbed into the snowy landscape we passed the spot where Jake had stopped that night we had rauchy backseat fun and I smiled.

The paved road came to an end and we followed what was little more than a dirt track. It was a bumpy drive and we passed a few log cabins all tucked away from the side of the road. Finally we turned off the track and entered the driveway of a tiny log cabin that looked like it should have been on the front of a Christmas card. Smoke was drifting out of the stone chimney and there was an evergreen wreath hanging from the door. Jake had delivered a Hallmark Christmas!

The driver unloaded my bag and wished me a merry Christmas before the car swished out of the driveway and then there was silence. Snowflakes drifted down from the sky and I took the steps to the door, which had been left ajar.

I gasped as I walked inside because the pretty little cabin had been decked out for Christmas with a huge tree surrounded by wrapped gifts, and a crackling fire burning in the stone fireplace. Propped up on the mantle was a gift wrapped in glittery paper with with words “Open Me Now!” in big black letters.

Dropping my bag to the floor I grabbed the gift and tore off the paper revealing a leather bound photo album. I carried it over to one of the leather couches and started to leaf through it. Tears blurred my eyes when I realized that the album contained photos of Jake and I taken through the years, starting from when we were around six years old. I touched the photos as the memories came flooding back and as I turned the pages I recognized all the milestones we’d celebrated together from lost teeth to graduations.

The final photo was a selfie he’d taken of us on the night we went to visit Santa and we were both bundled up like sumo wrestlers. At the very back of the book I found a familiar gold envelope and I tore it open with shaking hands:

My sweet girl,

I hope you enjoyed looking through these photos as much as I enjoyed putting them together for you.

Do you have any idea how long I’ve been in love with you? Probably since that very first photo when we were in kindergarten together. I think I knew then you were the girl for me, but my timing was never right and I let you slip through my fingers so many times over the years. I was starting to give up hope until that fateful day in November when I hatched a plan that would make you mine forever (insert evil laugh).

This has honestly been the best month of my life, but it was never really about the sex. I was desperate to show you that we were meant to be together. Ayla, we are perfect for one another in every fucking possible way. This was never about a month; it was about forever. I really hope you feel the same way and I haven’t overplayed my hand, but I have a sneaky suspicion if you search your heart you’ll find me there. I’ve never been far away.

I’m waiting in the loft for you. Now get your cute ass in that elf costume and get up here.

Your only love,

Jake x

I wiped at my tears with the palms of my hands, but beneath my tears I was smiling, because I knew he felt the same way that I did. Tearing through my hurriedly packed bag I found the elf costume and stripped off my clothes, transforming myself into the naughtiest elf that ever lived.

Grabbing the sturdy log handrail I climbed the stairs to the small loft area where I found a shirtless Santa reclining on a beautiful bed. “Hey my love,” he murmured. “What did you think of my letter. Do you want forever?” His face was clouded with uncertainty and I knew he needed reassurance.

“I’m so in love with you Jake, and yes, I want forever.”

He face broke out into that boyish grin that I loved so much. “Then get your elf ass over here so I can fuck you senseless.”

I threw myself on top of him and we tangled into a mess of sloppy kisses, arms and legs wound together like a Chinese puzzle. He broke away for a moment and brushed the hair out of my eyes. “I hope you’re down for daily sex Ms. Carter, because there’s no way I can go through life without fucking you every day. Make sure you hydrate sweet girl. It’s going to be a ride.”

And that is where we leave Jake and Ayla’s story. The romance writer in me could not be contained! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading their story as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. I wish you the warmest of holiday seasons. May love warm your heart today and forever. 💖

