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Erotica | Holiday Romance

Ayla’s Erotic Advent Calendar — December 15th

Eva Oscura
Agency Magazine
Published in
8 min readDec 15, 2023


I opened my toy drawer and stared at the sad, discarded heap of silicone. It had been over two weeks since I’d needed my flexible friends, and I wondered how I would ever return to a life of fumbling around in the dark with a battery-operated boyfriend.

My naughty elf costume lay in a heap at the foot of my bed, cast off when I collapsed into bed the previous night. Jake had been good to his word and had fucked me not once but twice while I wore my elf costume. I could now add Santa fucking to my list of sexual experiences, and it was surprisingly hot, although I think that had a lot to do with the man wearing the suit.

I had decided that good sex was a lot like cocaine or chocolate; it was highly addictive. It didn’t seem to matter how much sex I had with Jake, I was always left wanting more. What was driving me? Was it adrenaline from the sometimes adventurous nature of what we did, or was it just pure lust? Whatever it was, Jake was becoming like a class-A drug to me, and I couldn’t wait for my next fix.

Dear Naughty Elf,

Don’t put that costume away just yet. I think I might have more uses for it before the 12 days of Christmas is over.

Tonight, we are going upmarket. I have great tickets for the ballet! We will be travelling in style, and I will pick you up at your door at six.

Can’t wait to see you.

Bad Santa x

I was thrilled about this outing but also a little surprised. Although I loved going to the ballet, I knew from past experience that Jake hated it. The last time I’d talked him into going with me, he’d fallen asleep during the second act and snored loudly, so I really hoped he would stay awake this time. I was pretty sure I could think of some tactics to keep him alert this time. It was, after all, dark when the lights went down for the performance, and perhaps I could make things a little more interesting for him while I still enjoyed the performance myself.

The dress I chose for the occasion was classy but sexy with a thigh-high slit, which I thought my companion might appreciate. I added black stockings with lacy tops and a set of the beautiful underwear Jake had gifted me a few days ago.

My intercom buzzed at just before six and I let Jake in the main doors as he seemed keen to come up to the apartment. I was just putting the finishing touches to my hair, so he followed me into the bathroom, standing behind me as I clipped and pinned to make it behave. Bending down, he planted a kiss on the back of my neck, and I shivered. “You do know that’s a complete waste of time, don’t you?”

I batted at him with my hairbrush. “What do you mean? I spent ages doing that.”

“Mmm. And it will take me minutes to destroy it. You look fucking amazing, by the way. Why don’t we just skip the ballet and stay here for the night?”

I turned around and pulled him in for a kiss, covering his mouth with my newly applied lipstick. “But you’ve paid for the tickets, and I love the ballet.”

He grimaced as I wiped at his mouth with a tissue. “I know, and that’s the only reason we’re going, but I expect sexual favors in return. Lots of sexual favors! Okay, let’s go before I throw you on the bed and fuck you to oblivion.”

Sexual favors sounded pretty good to me, but I was excited about the ballet, so we headed out to make our way down to the car. We weren’t alone in the elevator, but the sexual tension crackled between us like fire. Jake kept his hand firmly on the small of my back, flexing his fingers in and out restlessly.

As we exited the building, I noticed a beautiful limo at the curb and I stopped in my tracks. “Please don’t tell me that’s for us.”

He grinned. “I did tell you we’d be travelling in style. What were you expecting? An Uber?”

I berated him all the way to the car about how much money he was spending, but he completely ignored me and opened the door for me to climb in. I slid across the bench seat to the far side and tried to adjust my dress, but there was no hiding that thigh-high slit.

He climbed in beside me and stared at my legs with a smirk but didn’t make any comment. The partition between the driver and us was up, so we couldn’t see him, and I guess he couldn’t see us. “We have plenty of time,” Jake said. “The ballet doesn’t start until eight.”

I frowned. “Then why did you pick me up so early?”

He put his hands behind his head and leaned back. “I thought we’d go for a nice drive. The driver knows what to do; he’ll get us there at the right time.”

The back of the limo was spacious, but with the partition up, it felt like a closed box. As always, Jake smelled divine and looked like a million dollars, and as he sat there casually with a smile on his face, he looked like he was waiting for something. I narrowed my eyes. “Do you have plans, Mr. Jake?”

He directed his gaze to me. “Have you ever had sex in a limo?”

“No, of course not. I only ever travel in limos with you. Have you?”

He shook his head. “No, but I am going to correct that tonight.”

“Before the ballet?” I squeaked.

He pulled me onto his lap. “Before the ballet, after the ballet and in the fucking intermission if we have time. We have this car all night. Might as well make use of it.”

“But…” I opened my mouth to protest about my fancy hair-do, but he put his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me onto his mouth. Fuck the hair, I thought, plunging my tongue into his mouth and absorbing his answering groan. Jake had the ability to take me from zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds, and my expensive new panties were already soaked through. Why I hadn’t thought about bringing a second pair, god only knows.

He pushed off the warm wrap I was wearing over my dress, exposing my bare back, and his hands explored me with the same urgency I’d come to love. It was as if he couldn’t stop touching me, which was only fair because I felt the same way.

I adjusted my position and straddled him, becoming very aware of the way his rigid cock pressed into my pussy. As I continued to devour him with my mouth, I started to move my hips, rubbing myself up and down his erection. “I’m so wet,” I moaned. “I’m going to ruin my dress.”

“Let’s take it off,” he suggested.

I stared out of the window. I could clearly see the cars and people moving around outside, but I was pretty sure they couldn’t see in. “Are you sure people can’t see us?”

He shrugged. “At this stage, I honestly don’t care. I just need to fuck you.” Reaching behind me, he unzipped my dress, and lifted it over my head before he placed it carefully on the seat beside him. Then he sat back and took me in, dressed in a black strapless bra with a garter belt and lace-topped stockings. “You are trying to fucking kill me, Ayla. I’m convinced of that.”

I pushed his shoulder. “You bought this. It’s your fault if you can’t stand the heat.”

Pulling down both of the bra cups, he admired my tits. “These are fucking perfect,” he murmured, closing his mouth over one nipple and sucking hard. As he sucked, I rocked my hips again, enjoying the friction on my clit as his cock grew harder still.

Leaning forward, I whispered in his ear. “Fuck me, Jake. I want to ride you.”

The huskiness of his voice told me he was on board with that idea. “Yeah, ride me, Ayla.”

I leaned back and unbuckled his belt before sliding down his zipper. We could have dispensed with his pants, but I was keen for him to keep them on. Half dressed and messed up in the back of the limo was pushing all my horny buttons. I eased his cock out of his boxer briefs and wrapped my hands around it, gently stroking him and watching his eyes close in pleasure.

My panties were really just two scraps of lace held together with satin ribbons at the sides, and he grasped them hard and pulled them until the ribbons broke. “Now I have no panties to wear to the ballet,” I said with a mock pout.

“Good. That means I can finger you when it gets dark.”

With my pussy now exposed, I rose up on my knees with my hands on his shoulders and tucked the head of his cock into my entrance. I was so wet I could slide down him in one smooth movement, but I made it slow and deliberate, wanting to extend the pleasure as long as possible. It was a sweet torture, and we moaned in unison. “You feel so good inside me,” I told him. “Every fucking time.”

We kept up our slow and relentless movements, with him holding my hips and helping me rise up before pulling me down hard on his cock. He pushed me back slightly, changing the angle, and it touched something deep within my core that ignited me. “Oh my god,” I murmured. “If you keep touching that spot, I’m going to come from that alone.”

A sheen of sweat on his brow was lit by the lights outside the car, and he bit his lip as though he was focusing hard. If there was ever any question about his beauty, the sight of him in front of me now dispelled those doubts. This was Jake at his finest; his hair mussed up, his tuxedo a little dishevelled and a gleam of pure lust in his eyes. Running his hand down my bare stomach, his thumb found my clit and started a slow circular motion. I could hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears, and it seemed to be keeping the tempo of the rhythmic pounding of his cock thrusting deep inside me. Lights flashed by outside, shoppers crowded the busy streets and spasms of a powerful orgasm started deep within my core, radiating out to every single nerve ending.

“Jake!” My voice was little more than a strangled cry, and he grabbed the back of my neck, pounding harder and faster until he came with an animalistic growl.

Our foreheads met, both of us sweaty and panting. I didn’t even want to think what kind of mess my makeup was in. None of it mattered. I didn’t care if we made it to the ballet or if we just spent the night in that limo. All that mattered was him.

Finally, I spoke. “I think we can put limo sex in the “will definitely repeat” column.

He laughed and kissed my forehead. “That’s a yes from me.”

I wonder if they ever made it to the ballet. Thanks for reading today. Don’t forget to let me know what you think.

