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Erotica | Holiday Romance

Ayla’s Erotic Advent Calendar — December 16th

Eva Oscura
Agency Magazine
Published in
9 min readDec 16, 2023


We made it to the ballet. I wasn’t as well put together as I had been when I left my apartment, but I didn’t really care. I floated into the auditorium on a cloud of post-orgasmic bliss, and the promise of a repeat performance on the way home meant that I was a little too distracted to really enjoy The Nutcracker.

Jake had officially turned me into a nymphomaniac. Before the calendar adventures, I had rarely thought about sex; now, I seemed to think about it all the time. I thought about it on my way to work, while I was thinking up a stupid slogan for the Poopy Cat Litter campaign, and while I was waiting for my coffee to brew first thing in the morning. When I wasn’t thinking about it, I was dreaming about it, and I woke up most mornings in a sweaty, tangled mess, having spent my dreams with a certain someone.

That morning, I stared at my chocolate advent calendar, which was considerably less exciting than the one Jake was providing me with. There were only twenty-four doors. There was no door for Christmas Day. That meant I only had nine more experiences with Jake. My heart thudded sadly in my chest, and I abandoned the piece of toast I’d been absent-mindedly chewing on. I had made a pact with myself just to enjoy what each new day brought and not to worry about the rest, but it was becoming increasingly harder to do that.

I tried to dispel the gloomy thoughts as I tore open my envelope:

Good morning, Munchkin,

I know you hate that name, but I’ve been calling you that for years, so I feel I should continue to aggravate you with it for a while longer. I feel we both need a bit of fresh air, so tonight, put on something warm and meet me at Winchcombe Gardens. I would travel with you but I’m afraid to get in a car with you after last night.

Yours thoroughly fucked,

Jake x

Winchcombe Gardens was a large estate that was open to the public, and it was always lit up beautifully during the holiday season. Jake was waiting at the gates for me, dressed up warmly in a scarf and gloves. The casual attire made him look younger, and I could still see that young boy in him whom I met all those years ago.

I’d taken his advice about wrapping up seriously. I didn’t like getting cold, so I’d donned a thick pair of leggings along with a puffer coat that made me look three times my size. He grinned as I approached him, and a surge of affection flowed through me. He was disarmingly beautiful even when dressed like a nerd.

“Hey, Munch,” he whispered, as we embraced. “I see you’ve come as a sumo wrestler.”

“Yeah, and I see you’ve come as a creeper. I hope you’ve not brought me here to put snow down my back like you used to.”

“Not tonight. Come with me.”

He took my hand, and we entered a side gate onto the grounds of the property. A ticket stand had been set up, and we joined a line of parents along with lots of excited children. “Where are we going?” I whispered.

He grinned. “Just wait and see.”

We got to the head of the line. “Two adults, please,” he told the woman selling the tickets.

She looked at us curiously. “No kids?”

He shook his head. “Not unless you count her. She’s a big kid.”

I pushed his arm, and the woman laughed, handing over the tickets. “There’s nothing wrong with that,” she told him. “We all need that at this time of the year.

We followed the small crowd of people down a snowy path to a group of several horsedrawn sleighs, and I gasped. The horses were fitted out with bells, and each sleigh carried about ten people. “Oh my god, this is beautiful,” I murmured.

The kids were all clambering into the seats, but Jake led me around to the front to the driver of the first sleigh. “Hi, I’m Jake Rivers, and this is Ayla.”

The elderly driver smiled widely. “Okay, you two, climb on up here. I have a blanket for you.” I realized we weren’t going to ride with the kids in the back but at the front with the driver, obviously, another special treat that Jake had arranged.

We were riding on the first sleigh, so we got an amazing view as we moved along the snow-covered track. The trees were lit with tiny white lights, and the bells on the horses' harnesses jingled as we made our way deeper into the forested area. It was magical, and I felt like I’d been transported to another land. “It’s like Narnia,” I whispered.

I shivered slightly more from the experience than the cold, and I felt Jake’s arm draw me closer, the warmth of his body still evident through all those layers of clothing.

We rounded a curve in the track, and a pretty red barn came into view. The doors were open, and I suddenly realized why we were here. Jake had brought me to see Santa. He’d remembered something I’d told him years ago, and I felt a lump in my throat.

The three sleighs came to a stop in front of the barn, and the sound of excited little cheers filled the air as the kids all disembarked with their parents. We stood back and let the children form a line to see the very realistic Santa, who was seated on a hay bale just inside the barn. This was no regular mall Santa with a fake beard. Instead Santa was an elderly gent with a real grey beard and a very beautiful costume.

We stood at the edge with the parents as we watched the awe-struck kids approach him. Their voices had quietened down to a hushed whisper as they took turns to tell Santa their deepest wishes and a stray tear rolled down my cheek. “You remembered,” I murmured.

“Yeah, how could I fucking forget. I vowed I’d put that right for you, Ayla. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long.”

Years ago, perhaps when we were about twelve years old, I’d confessed to Jake that my parents had never taken me to see Santa. They told me it was a waste of money to go and see some old guy who didn’t even exist. There was never any Christmas magic in our house, just bitterness and daily arguments. Jake’s parents, on the other hand, embraced the magic of Christmas, and he was horrified when I told him.

The kids skipped back to their parents as the last little one received their small gift, and they started to climb back on the sleighs. The elderly Santa beckoned to us, and Jake led me inside. “Come on in,” he said. “You’re never too old to see Santa. Come and tell me what you want for Christmas.”

I stood in front of him, wiping my tears with my gloved hand. “I think I already have everything I want this year.”

He nodded, looking like he understood. “Then I wish you a Merry Christmas, my dear. May all your wishes come true.”

Once we were outside, I threw my arms around Jake’s neck. “Thank you. Thank you for remembering.”

Jake told the driver of the sleigh that we would walk back to the gate, and we watched as they departed, the bells getting fainter as they disappeared. We walked down the path for a while in silence, huddled close together against the cold. Suddenly, Jake pulled me off the path we were on and into the forested area. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see.”

Off on a side path was a smaller barn, and he led me around to the back, where he tried the door. It opened with a creak, and we walked inside. The place was empty aside from a few haybales, and Jake produced a small camping lamp from his backpack. Pulling me into his arms, he kissed me. It wasn’t one of those all-consuming kisses I’d become used to. It was gentle and tentative as if he was aware of my fragile emotions. “Do you want to make out with me in the hay? I was thinking outdoor sex, but it’s a bit cold, and this is more comfortable.”

I giggled. “Are we allowed to be here? Is this included in the ticket price?”

“No, this is an exclusive add-on.” He pulled a blanket from his backpack and laid it down between a couple of the bales. “Come on, lie down with me.” We shed our coats and used them to soften our makeshift bed. We lay down together, and I smoothed the hair out of his eyes. “Are you okay, baby? Did I make you sad?”

I shook my head. “No, you never make me sad. You’re the one person in my life who has never done that.” My love for him in that moment felt like it would burst out of my heart, and I tried to convey that in my kiss, pouring my emotion into him the only way I knew how.

He rolled on top of me and lifted up my sweater, then my t-shirt and then my tank top. “Holy shit, Ayla. How many layers are you wearing exactly?”

“You told me to dress warmly!” I gasped as his chilly mouth latched onto one of my nipples, and he flicked his tongue across the sensitive surface. “I hope no one finds us here,” I murmured, pushing the other nipple into his mouth. “I’ll be back on that naughty list again.”

“I don’t think you were ever off it.” He trailed chilly kisses down my stomach to the top of my leggings. “I can’t wait to see what underwear you have on for this weather.” He peeled my leggings down to reveal white lace panties. “Aww, and I was expecting thermals.”

“Don’t tell me you have a thermals kink,” I said, wriggling my butt so he could lower my leggings.

“If you’re wearing it, it’s a kink.” Leggings, panties, socks and boots all came off in one smooth motion, and I was naked from the waist down. He blew a stream of warm air on my pussy, and I jumped. “So tell me, Ayla, what does this pretty little cunt need tonight?”

“Why don’t you ask it? Maybe it will tell you.”

“Nope, I’ve already decided. Get on your hands and knees for me.”

I flipped over and stuck my ass in the air, shivering as he gently kissed and licked. He grabbed my buttocks in both hands, spreading them slightly and then licked down my crack over my sensitive asshole, rimming his tongue around the entrance. “One day soon, I’m going to fuck this pretty little asshole, Ayla. I can’t fucking wait.”

Dirty Jake had returned, and my pussy was flooded with hot sticky juices. He seemed to instinctively know what would bring me to a frenzy, and his fingers joined his tongue in a dance that was guaranteed to have me screaming in minutes.

I heard him unzip his jeans and then felt him nudge the head of his cock at my wet entrance. “I want us to come together tonight. Let’s see if we can get our timing right. If you’re getting too close, too soon, let me know.”

With one arm holding me in place, he drove into me hard. His hand splayed over my pubic area, and with one finger, he lightly circled my clit. It was enough to drive me crazy but not enough to bring me to orgasm. As he plunged into me, I pushed back against him, needing the sensation of having him so deep inside me.

“You feel so fucking good,” he groaned. “I can’t stop myself with you. I just want you all the time.”

“Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.” I responded. My emotions were still raw, and my orgasm was building. “I’m getting close, Jake.”

“Okay, baby. Just hold on for a few more minutes. I want this to last.” He moved his fingers down to the lips of my pussy, rubbing around the place where his cock was thrusting into me. It still felt amazing, but my impending orgasm receded a little. I breathed through it, enjoying that we could control it in this way.

His breathing was ragged. “Okay, I’m almost there.” His finger returned to my clit, this time faster and more insistent, pushing me to the edge again. “Tell me when you’re about to come.”

“Now!” I screamed, and just on the point of my orgasm, he pushed his thumb from his other hand into my asshole, plunging with the same rhythm as his cock, and I saw stars.

“Oh my fucking god!” I screamed. I didn’t care that we were in a public place, in a barn, amongst the haybales, because at that moment, I found nirvana, and I was floating.

He shouted his release before he collapsed down on top of me in a hot, sweaty heap.

“Holy fuck Ayla! Can we cross off outdoor sex?”

“Nope. We’ll call this sex in a barn.”

“Good call,” he panted.

Today’s was sweet and a little sad. Hope you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to clap and let me know what you think!

