
Erotica | Holiday Romance

Ayla’s Erotic Advent Calendar — December 19th

Eva Oscura
Agency Magazine
Published in
9 min readDec 19, 2023


I woke up in a panic. It felt like my life had reached a crescendo and from this point on, it was slowly going downhill. I had no idea what was causing this uncertain feeling. I’d slipped into bed feeling happy and sated, and sleep had come easily to me, but somewhere along the way, my subconscious had decided to kick me up the ass. I knew I was concerned about the fact our calendar days were coming to an end, and I also knew I should talk to Jake about it, but I didn’t want to burst the pretty little bubble I was currently floating around in.

Filled with the sudden need to talk to Jake, I picked up my phone, but the knock at the door stopped me in my tracks. I rushed to the door, hoping to catch him and pull him inside so we could talk, but as usual, he’d vanished into thin air. It felt like an analogy for our relationship like sand slowly trickling through an hourglass.

I read my note, trying not to let the overwhelming sadness ruin the time I had left with him:

Hey sweet girl,

What am I going to surprise you with today? Do you remember when the idea of this advent calendar came about back in November? You told me you wanted sheet clawing sex that got you banned from The Hilton. Let’s do that, babe. Let’s get banned from The Hilton!

Meet me there with an overnight bag at seven.

Rebellious Jake x

I wondered what we would have to do in order to get banned from The Hilton, but I was up for the challenge!

He was waiting for me in the lobby, leaning against an ornamental pillar and looking slightly furtive. A buzz of excitement flowed through me just at the sight of him, and it was all I could do not to sprint across the lobby to reach him, but I played it cool; it never pays to be too enthusiastic.

Jake had already collected our keys, so we headed into the elevator, which was packed with couples who looked like they were headed to a Christmas party. We got separated in the throng of bodies and ended up on opposite sides of the elevator, but they left us on the second floor, exiting in a flurry of laughter. The doors closed with a soft swish, and Jake put both arms out along the handrails before shooting me a slow wink. “Ever done it in an elevator before?” he asked. I shook my head, trying to conceal a grin. “Do you think if we fuck in this elevator, we’ll get thrown out?”

“It’s too early to get thrown out,” I protested. “I’d like to at least spend some time in our room first.”

“But you’re not ruling out elevator sex.”

I looked around at the interior. It was mirrored on three sides with a gold handrail running all the way around. Having had sex in the changing room of the lingerie store with him, I could see how this would appeal to him, but the public aspect of it bothered me. “People would be getting on and off all the time. I just don’t see how it would work.”

“Because, my doubting darling, I would make it work. Anyway, let’s put that idea on the back burner. Here’s our floor; we have hedonism to commit.”

We were on the top floor of the hotel, and when we exited the elevator, I realized we were in one of the premium rooms. I guess Jake decided if we were going to get banned from The Hilton, we were going to do it in style.

Our room was actually a suite with an expansive living area and an enormous bed decked out in white linens and fluffy pillows. I dropped my bag on the floor and wandered around the room, taking in the luxury that would be ours for one night only.

“Come and see the bathroom,” Jake called from the hallway.

“Wow!” The bathroom was huge, with an enormous walk-in shower that ran the length of one wall, as well as a deep soaker tub. “I could live in this room,” I murmured, thinking about my own tiny bathroom in my apartment.

“We are certainly going to be using that shower. In fact, I feel like I need a shower right now. How about you?”

I giggled at the insistence in his voice and sauntered back into our room. “I need to unpack first, unwind a little, perhaps watch a little TV. They have the movie channel.” I started to unpack the few things that I’d brought and hung them in the closet. He seemed restless and was prowling around like a caged animal. I’d seen that restless energy in him before, and it usually meant one thing. “Are you okay?” I asked him.

“Yeah. I just need you, and I can’t relax until I’ve had you.”

I threw my bag into the closet and went to him, pulling him into a tight hug. “I’m right here. You have me.” He held onto me for a moment as if he was trying to ground himself. It felt like he was nervous about something or perhaps excited. He was buzzing with a type of restless energy, and I could already feel his hard cock pressed against me. He was obviously as horny as hell. “Tell me what you need, Jake.”

“I need you to go and take a shower, and then I’ll come in and join you.”

He clearly had a plan, and I wasn’t about to get in the way of that because Jake’s plans always meant a happy ending for me. “Okay, you go lay on the bed, and I’ll do a little strip show for you first,” I told him.

That seemed to meet with his approval because he sprang onto the bed with enthusiasm. I was wearing a simple wrap dress, which made it easy to do a dramatic unveiling. He was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head and the fire in his eyes that I’d grown to love. I could tell he was keen to see what I was wearing under the dress, and I wasn’t about to disappoint. There was no doubt about it: Jake was a lingerie man.

I pulled the tie at the waist of my dress, and it opened like a robe, revealing a bra in black and blue lace studded with rhinestones and a matching black thong. As I discarded my dress, I turned my back to him and bent over, giving him the full effect of the thong back. “Jesus, fucking Christ,” he murmured. “Your ass was made in heaven; I’m convinced of that. Now get in that shower before I bend you over that desk.”

I had no idea why he was so fixated on the shower, but I knew better than to argue, and I was keen about the shower, too. I shed my underwear, catapulting my bra onto Jake’s chest and headed off to bathing nirvana.

It took me a while to work out the multiple jets and get the temperature right, but as I stepped in, I sighed. At home, my single shower head was a little pathetic, and it always had one solitary jet that seemed to do its own thing, but this was like being under a warm and comforting waterfall.

Expensive toiletries were lined up for my use, and I spent time shampooing and conditioning my hair, enjoying the beautiful fragrances. I must have been distracted because I didn’t notice Jake had come into the bathroom until he entered the enormous stall, his cock jutting out in front of him, hard like stone.

I stared down the length of him and sighed because Jake, naked and aroused in a shower, was a beautiful sight. The hunger in his eyes was unmistakable, and the fact that I knew that hunger was for me immediately flooded my core.

I noticed he had a small bottle in his hand, and for a moment, I was confused because this bathroom had every type of product you could once, except perhaps one: lube.

Gripping my hips, he pulled me against his hard cock and bent his head to engulf me in a passionate kiss. I turned to putty in his hands as I felt my body yield to him, soft and ready for whatever he had planned. His hand traced a pattern down my body, between my breasts and all the way down to my wet and needy pussy.

Two long slid fingers slid inside me, and I groaned, pushing myself onto him and fucking his fingers. “Mmm. You love that, don’t you? You love my fingers deep in your cunt.”

“Yeah, I love it all.”

He pushed me up against the cold tiles of the shower stall so the water was out of my face, and he added his thumb into the equation, circling my clit with maddening accuracy while his fingers curled forward and hit that spot that would send me spiralling. “Yes, right there, right there,” I moaned, desperate for the orgasm I knew he wouldn’t deny me. I came with a scream, collapsing on him and digging my teeth into his shoulder, which I had discovered he loved.

Woozy from my orgasm and feeling in a dream-like state, he turned me in his arms and arranged my body so I was bending forward, leaning on the tiled bench in the shower. I felt his fingers cool and coated with lube rub over my sensitive asshole, sliding first one finger inside and then two, stretching the tight hole and making me moan.

“Ayla.” His voice sounded like it was somewhere off in the distance, shrouded by the sound of the running water and muffled by my own disconnected brain. “I’m going to fuck your ass tonight. I want to claim this sweet, tight hole of yours and make it mine. If you don’t want that, you need to tell me now.” His voice was gravelly, and I could tell he was hovering at the edge of his control. His desire for me was building my own passion, and I wanted him so bad I could have cried.

“I want it, Jake. I want you. I always want you.”

“Good girl,” he crooned, his fingers plunging in and out of my asshole. “Such a good fucking girl. We’ll go slow and easy. Just stay relaxed.”

I was relaxed, totally relaxed. His fingers exploring my asshole were not painful, and when his second hand started to gently dance over my sensitive clit, I wanted his cock in my ass, filling me, claiming me as his. “Fuck my ass, Jake. Please.”

His fingers slid out, leaving me feeling empty, and then I felt the cool lube again on my entrance before he nudged the head of his huge cock against my tight hole. Painstakingly slowly, he pushed into me, and at first, it hurt, stinging as my delicate tissues stretched to accommodate him. I took in a sharp breath of air. “Shh,” he murmured. “Just relax; give it up to me, Ayla.”

What we were doing felt wildly erotic, and as he continued to circle my clit driving me close to the edge, I felt my body yield to him, and he slowly slid in all the way. The fullness I experienced was almost too much, but the need to be possessed by him in this way cancelled out any doubts in my mind. “Are you okay, baby?” He asked softly.

“Don’t stop. I want to feel all of you. I need to.”

Slowly he started to thrust, fucking my ass with a gradually intensifying rhythm. The dark pleasure I experienced was unlike anything before. I felt completely taken over by him, overwhelmed by so many new sensations, my mind lost in the wildness of it all. His finger on my clit intensified to match his own thrusts, and I felt myself spiralling higher and higher until the strongest orgasm I’d ever experienced hit me, and I thought I would black out. As if he knew what was happening, his strong arm came around me and held me up as I sobbed out the remains of my orgasm. He shouted my name, and then I felt the warmth of his release deep inside me.

I don’t think that will get them banned from The Hilton, but maybe Jake has something else planned. Thanks for reading today and for your claps and comments. Another episode tomorrow!

