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Erotica | Holiday Romance

Ayla’s Erotic Advent Calendar — December 20th

Eva Oscura
Agency Magazine
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2023


After our adventures in the shower, Jake had tenderly dried me off and carried me to bed, where it took me about an hour to get my brain together. He ordered some yummy food from room service, including chocolate-covered strawberries, and we snuggled together, watching a Christmas movie.

He completed the evening by making sweet love to me that was so tender it was almost painful, and if I could have stayed in that hotel room with him forever, I would have been happy.

I slept heavily, and when I woke the next morning, his side of the bed was empty, but my gold envelope was propped up on his pillow:

Good morning, my sleepy angel,

I had to sneak off so you would get your daily envelope, but I’m not very far away. I am very disappointed we haven’t been banned yet, but I hope to remedy that. I packed your stuff, and I’ve put your bag in the car, but I left you some clothes. I have also left you some breakfast on the table, but then I want you to come to the elevator. Text me when you leave the room, and I will be waiting for you.

Your partner in crime, Jake x

He’d obviously been sneaking around while I was still out cold, but that was no surprise because when I was sleeping soundly, an earthquake probably wouldn’t wake me. I stretched and looked around and spotted a tray of pastries and fresh fruit, along with a pot of coffee, all laid out beautifully on the table. On the end of the bed, he had left me my wrap dress along with some sexy lingerie and stockings, which seemed a little odd for day wear, but I guessed he’d just gone with what he liked.

Breakfast was delicious, if a little lonely, and I soon discovered Jake had remembered to leave me makeup and my toothbrush and toothpaste. He was a master in advanced planning, and I was starting to wonder what else he had up his sleeve.

I shot off a quick text to Jake to let him know I was leaving the room, expecting him to meet me by the elevator in the lobby, but I was surprised to see him leaning up against the wall on our floor with a sexy grin. When I reached him, he pressed me up against the wall and kissed me. “Ready to get banned?”

“Well, actually, I’d quite like to come back here.”

He laughed. “It’s too late for that. Getting banned from The Hilton was on your wish list, and that’s what I’m going to deliver. Come on.”

The elevator pinged to announce its arrival, and he dragged me inside. As we were staying on the top floor, we were the sole occupants, and as the elevator started its descent, Jake sprang into action, slapping his hand on the emergency stop button.

“Holy fuck, Jake! What are you doing?”

Ignoring my protests, he removed a wad of gum from his mouth and stuck it on the lens of the security camera positioned in the corner of the elevator before stalking toward me like a panther. “You want to get banned from The Hilton, Ayla. Let’s make it worthwhile.”

We were stuck between the eleventh and twelfth floors, and he had me pinned up against the mirrored wall like a caged animal. The previous night, his lovemaking had been gentle and sweet, but now his lust was raging, and I couldn’t get enough.

His kiss was savage, like someone who was starved for sexual touch, and my ache for something more than just a kiss began to build in my core, radiating down my inner thighs and setting my nerve endings jangling. Light nibbles down my neck drew out a long and hungry groan from deep within me, and my body began to move instinctively because this was a dance I was familiar with.

I wrapped one leg around him, forcing him closer to me and started to grind on his steely erection. Pulling back slightly, he grabbed the tie on my wrap dress and tugged it so hard I thought the fabric would tear. My dress parted, revealing the sexy lingerie he’d left for me, and he gave a guttural growl of appreciation. His hands found my shoulders and pushed the dress away, and it made a swishing sound as it hit the floor of the elevator.

His passionate fury was driving me wild, and I’d almost forgotten where we were. I certainly wasn’t concerned that I was near-naked in a hotel elevator. Grabbing my hands, he turned me in his arms and placed the palms on the mirrored wall of the elevator. I could see everything reflected back at me: the fire in his eyes, the faraway look in mine. We couldn’t have stopped this even if we wanted to.

Grabbing a handful of my hair, he pulled my head to one side and continued to bite a trail down my neck, a little harder this time, interspersing his bites with hot licks. He continued his journey down my back, kissing and licking until he reached my ass, left bare by the thong panties I was wearing. He bit down hard on one buttock, followed by a sharp slap, and I yelped at the different sensations he was inflicting on me.

Wrapping one arm around me, his fingers found my clit and began to work me furiously. “You are so fucking wet for me.” His voice was rough and needy as his fingers plunged into me, making me cry out. “I’m going to fuck you fast and hard, Ayla. I don’t know how much time we have.”

He bent me over so I was clutching the handrail of the elevator, and then he thrust into me hard. Had he not been holding me securely in place with his arm, I might have banged my head from the force, but he knew what he was doing. I was starting to learn that despite the heat of his passion, he still knew what he was doing, and I would take a guess that he’d orchestrated this in his mind before we even got in the elevator.

He thrust into me again and again, and I moaned softly, enjoying the stretch and the sweet soreness that accompanied his pounding. His finger on my clit was still drawing maddening circles, and I felt the climax start to build at the base of my spine. “Jake, Jake,” I repeated his name like a soft mantra, keeping the same rhythm he was. The air in the small space was rich with the aroma of our bodies, that musky, heady scent of sex. He hadn’t bothered removing his jeans, and the rough fabric rubbed against the back of my thighs. It all added up to a myriad of sensory pleasures, and I came with a thready cry as he quickly followed me through.

We were a panting, sweaty heap. The elevator mirrors were covered with my handprints, and I could feel a trail of his cum run down my legs as he withdrew. “I’ll get that baby,” he said, grabbing some tissues from his pocket and cleaning me up.

Suddenly, there was a loud ringing noise, and I jumped in astonishment, grabbing my dress from the floor and hastily putting it on. Jake zipped up his fly and calmly walked over to the emergency phone that I hadn’t even noticed. His voice was flat and even as if he hadn’t just had mindblowing sex in an elevator. “Hello? Yes, I have no idea what happened. The elevator just stopped. I suggest you get us out as soon as possible.” He shot me a sly wink and grinned as I continued to put myself back together.

I looked at myself in the mirror and squealed. My newly applied makeup was streaked all over my face, and I rubbed at it furiously with my hand as the elevator jerked and started to descend to the lobby. He came over to me and kissed my cheek tenderly. “Just breathe, Alya. You look beautiful.”

The doors hissed open, and we were greeted by the somewhat stern faces of two mechanics and the person I presumed to be the hotel manager. Jake stared back, stoney-faced. “I suggest you do something about that elevator. My girlfriend was terrified. I’ll be expecting some form of compensation.”

With that, he grabbed my hand and swept out of the elevator and through the lobby without stopping. I didn’t dare breathe until we got into the car, and then we both collapsed into hysterical laughter like a pair of teenagers. We hadn’t been banned from The Hilton, but I had a feeling my naughty lover may have wrangled himself a free future stay.

They didn’t get banned! Hope you enjoyed today’s read. Let me know what you think.

