Bella and Aztai (my AI art)

Fantasy Erotica | Fantasy Fiction

Bella and the Dwarves

The Adventures of Bella the Paladin #18

Bellisima Madrigale
Agency Magazine
Published in
7 min readJan 3, 2024


For hours I had made love to Aztai beneath the trees as the moon and stars wheeled across the sky. But then, as we lay in each other’s arms on the moss below the tree boughs, I became aware of two dwarves by the edge of the clearing watching us. Dwarves are not very good at sneaking, but are exceptionally good at sitting still. They also have excellent night vision.

“How long have you been watching,” I asked, rather put-out by the whole scenario. I had never made love in quite that way before, truly being driven to hours of ardor through my deep love for someone else. These little hairy bastards had turned that into a sideshow.

“Well, ye know that time ye was a-kissing with yon nether lips, a-grinding and a-groaning and generally in a state?”

“Yes,” I said dourly. Aztai giggled. She wasn’t helping.

“Well, that time afore that when ye was feasting on her nethers like a hungry lion eating a fawn, and she was a-shouting like ye truly were chewing on her flesh.” I sighed. Aztai was very loud, an elephant could have wandered up with her groaning “Oh Bella” at me.

“Yes.” I sighed again and looked at Aztai. I think she looked contrite, it was hard to tell in the moonlight.

“Well, it was about then. She was a-making a racket for quite some time! We were actually patrolling some ways off, but the hullabaloo brought us over.”

“Come here,” I ordered. Slowly they stood up, and shuffled towards us, strangely bent over. “Why aren’t you standing up straight? Oh I know.” They slowly straightened, and it was clear that something was lifting up the skirt of their tunics at the front. I reached down and lifted up the edge of the tunic to reveal a large, erect, and actively throbbing cock nestled in a luxurious growth of pubic hair all protruding from their undone britches.

“Oh! It’s quite big!” said Aztai, for indeed dwarves are very-well equipped with exceptionally thick and knobbly tools. “And hairy! It’s less like a bird in a bush and more like a partridge in a pear tree!” The dwarves stood a little more proudly and chuckled. “So why can’t we have sex with them? I thought in your adventures you have sex with everything?”

“I just told you about the times in which that happened!” I exclaimed. “In some quests whoever was the problem was slain without mercy!” The two dwarfs were starting to look slightly alarmed, I did not notice at which statement their alarm started. “Anyway, I don’t do beards. They look ticklish.”

“Don’t knock it ’til ye try it!” said one of the dwarves with a very broad smile, his phallus still standing proudly hopeful, and throbbing. The smile quickly changed to some concern when our elf-maid companions came up to see what the talking was about, but there is never a time when six beautiful naked elf maids would not be a welcome sight to any young male dwarf.

“Oh! Dwarves!” said Maeve. “Are you going to have sex with them?”

“Why does everyone think I have sex with everything?” I looked plaintively towards Aztai. “I thought what we were doing was special,” I said. Aztai came and put her arms around me and kissed me.

“It is, and I was hoping we would be doing that everyday! Forever! But you have so many…experiences, and I want to share that life with you.” Perhaps she had a point.

“Alright. You! Come here and lay on your back! Maeve, can you and the others use the other one?” My language was not kind, but dwarves are sturdy folk, not easily harmed by words. He stepped forward jauntily, his cock sailing ahead of him.

“Well according to my teacher a good battle-druid has to love cock, so I’m up for it! Neve, you get the other end.” The two young dwarves were soon happily laying on the ground, while also standing upright in anticipation.

“I don’t know anything about druid training, but if she’s right you get the “partridge in a pear tree” end.” I helped her sink slowly down on the stiff throbbing dwarvish member.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. “It’s…it’s…so throbby! And knobbly!” Her mouth formed a perfect “o” as the pulsing member sank into her. “Why…why…does this help with druiding? Oh!”

“Taranos is … oh feck, that’s good.” Maeve was grinding into her dwarf now. “He is the fecking god of fecking lightning, and he is a bit of a prick. The druidic lightning strike is … oh feck … is his gift.” She then raised her hands into the air as she rhythmically rode the dwarf. “Oh Taranos! Feck me with your power! Oh feck yes!” At the tips of her fingers sharp slashes of light flashed like lightning.”

“I’m not going to get struck by lightning if I sit on the other end am I?” asked Neve, but Maeve just laughed with power. “Oh feck it, I’m getting on anyway,” and soon she, too, was happily riding the dwarf.

It was time that I mustered my will to sit on the other end of my dwarf. I thought I should not dawdle, but just go straight down on his face without faltering.

“Aaahh! It’s so hairy!” I said, wriggling as the dwarf’s burgeoning beard tickled my soft bare private parts. But I sat heavily on his fuzzy face and his thick agile tongue was quickly distracting me. Aztai was also distracted as she instinctively ground her pelvis into the dwarf, his hard pulsing cock deep inside her. I reached forward and brought her close, her mouth open from arousal, her lips moist and hot from pleasure. We kissed deeply, passionately, as we ground away on the hirsute dwarf beneath us. The dwarf also seemed to be having fun, making obvious gurgling noises as I gyrated on the tip of his tongue, and gripping Aztai tightly as she writhed. The dwarf had admirable self-restraint, and must have held it in for some time, perhaps aided by trying to focus on tonguing me while Aztai did all the work on his cock.

“Call on Taranos, Aztai!” I gasped, helping her lift her arms in the air.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Taranos!” she called, her hands reaching to the stars in the sky. “Fill me!”

There was then a very strange sensation as we all seemed to get an electric shock just as the dwarf came, his explosive bursts driving Aztai over the edge into orgasm as well. I had been coming for some time by now. Aztai and I fell laughing from the dwarf, our arms around each other.

Soon Maeve and Neve finished on the other dwarf, and we were all sufficiently satisfied that the other elf-maids were looking forward to getting a turn. However, I thought it best to give them a rest, let them dry out their beards by the fire, and actually ask them who they were.

“The name is Caedber, and this’ll be my brother Aedber! We were supposed to be a-patrolling the woods to protect the camp!” Aedber gave Cedber a punch in the shoulder.

“I don’t think ye are supposed to be a-telling everyone there be a camp! We be a-guarding it, not advertising it!”

“Well it be quite far off anyways, we was a-hiking some ways through the woods to see what all the hullabaloo was about.”

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us. We are quite near enemy territory, but I don’t think they will be a problem any more.”

“What? The dark sorcerers at Aktala? It is they that we muster against! What happened to them?”

“She did,” said Aztai, pointing at me and smiling.

“The dark sorcerer’s took their power from an ancient evil which they worshiped like a god. I am a Knight Paladin from the Western Isles, a bearer of the Light of Ainyah.”

“The damned thing swallowed her and it went bang!” said Maeve. “They have no power any more and are running like ants from an overturned ant-hill!” The dwarves were rather amazed.

“Ye need to tell Geirmund this,” said Caedber. “He is a great mage and one of our leaders, some say the leader…” I was not happy to hear about another mage, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. “The dark sorcerers have been attacking us, and undermining our defences. We have mustered all our forces to attack them!”

“Well I suppose they can all go home again!” I said.

“Will ye go to my people, and tell them this news? They will give ye a warm welcome.”

“Well I should get Aztai back to her mother in the Elven Vale…”

“The others can go back and tell her,” Aztai interjected. “You and I can go and meet the mage!” She smiled enthusiastically. It was clear that she wanted to see more of the world before she went home, and she was right, the others would probably rather go straight home, and it would be best to spread the news amongst our friends.

“Very well, we will go and meet this mage of yours. But first, I think these ladies would like to try some dwarvish cock!”

Aztai, Maeve, Neve and I snuggled together under our cloaks as we watched the other elves ride the dwarves, cheering on the ladies to go faster and faster.

The Adventures of Bella the Paladin

22 stories

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Bellisima Madrigale
Agency Magazine

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years (don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!