Bella the Paladin (my AI art)

Fantasy Erotica

Bella in Love

The Adventures of Bella the Paladin #17

Bellisima Madrigale
Agency Magazine
Published in
8 min readDec 11, 2023


The portal magic of the dark sorcerers had been powerful, thanks to the influence of the ancient evil which I had banished, for it would take several days to travel back to the Elven Vale. Our enemy’s stronghold was at Aktala, located in a broad pass through mountains that marked the division between the settled lands and the grassy steppes to the east. We recovered our horses, as both my stalwart Angus and Aztai’s horse, Bayar, had survived unharmed, while other horses were acquired for the six liberated elf maids.

Aktala was in chaos, as everyone was now taking what they needed from those who were once powerful with the magic of the ancient evil. We quickly made sure that we were armed. Most of the captured elves were archers, and were happy with a cache of recurved steppe bows we discovered. They had some opportunity to demonstrate their ability before we were rid of the place, as a number of the remaining men made the mistake of attempting to interfere with us.

We could not recover our own armour or clothes, but found clothing and light leather armour with the cache of bows, probably the goods of a now fled merchant. Some food was found for the journey, and we galloped from the burning town through the open and untended gate. I was torn, for I knew the suffering of innocents would come from the destruction of the old order. But my first priority was Aztai.

She was not much younger than me, and was already of age, but seemed to know little of the world and had never seen such conflict. Some of the elves also seemed unaccustomed to conflict, and seemed young, although it is often difficult to tell with elves. However one of the elves, called Maeve, with black wavy hair and blue eyes, seemed to know more of these lands.

“This chaos will spread across the land. The sorcerers of Aktala had already taken over a number of towns, including Tralin which’ll be on the road between here and the Elven Vale. I’d be proposing that we head for yon woods that run along the slopes of the mountains. There’ll be dwarf strongholds in the area, but they would never be submitting to a human overlord, and they are good friends to the elves.”

Aztai and the elves all seemed to look to me to decide. Maeve was right, the collapse of order would make any settlement dangerous until order was restored again.

“To the forest, then!” I said, and we headed west towards the mountains. We forded a river and took time to bathe, which we all found refreshing after the ordeal amongst the dark sorcerers. By dark we had reached the trees, and camped in the safety of the forest.

“We are only likely to be meeting elves or dwarves in these woods,” said Maeve. “And we will be hearing dwarves from a mile away!” They all laughed for the first time since we had escaped, even Aztai. It was nice to see, and her dark eyes looked at me in the firelight.

“Thank you for saving us,” she said.

“I’m a Paladin. It’s what I do.”

“I could never have done what you were doing,” said Maeve. “I am quite proficient at the druiding, albeit still a student, yet that creature was like an ancient god of evil.” I explained to them how a Paladin’s power comes from a response to wickedness.

“The more powerful the evil, the more powerful the Paladin becomes. It is as though the darkness becomes the fuel that is burnt to make the light. A druid can bring down a lightning bolt from a cloudless sky on whoever they wish, good or evil. I have no power at all against the innocent.” For some reason I looked at Aztai then. Periodically she would assume a serene air, perhaps derived from her gracious mother.

“Do you think I am innocent?” Her eyes were wide. Periodically the serene air would fail her completely.

“I sensed the darkness of anger in you back in the Vale, but I also perceive it is not a part of who you are. I do not sense it now. However I do sense that our friends here are slightly afraid of you.” The elves glanced at each other guiltily. Aztai was sitting close to me, and the elves clustered together on the opposite side of the fire from us.

“Oh,” said Aztai, casting her eyes down. “I think I’m probably not very nice to everyone.”

“Well, it must be hard,” said one of the elves, a red-haired ranger called Neve.

“All I have been able to think about since we were abducted was what I said to my Ma the last time I saw her!” The tears welled up in her eyes now, and I put my arm around her. She wept in my arms, sobbing inconsolably. “I can’t druid like her, I have no shaman skills like my Da. I’m useless!”

“Not all of us are druids,” said Maeve.

“No! I’m useless at it!” said Neve. “But I can put an arrow in a squirrel’s eye if he tries to steal my nuts!” Aztai laughed through her tears.

“I never imagined that I would be a Paladin when I was young,” I said. “Paladins are all insufferably noble and good, and my teachers said I was a wicked misbehaving child. A demon’s spawn! It seems they were wrong!” They all laughed, and Aztai seemed cheered. She stayed close to me, however, my right arm around her and my left hand holding hers.

“Your ability to heal was impressive,” said Neve. “I did not just feel my physical trauma healed, but the pain of the whole experience was swept away, and I was made whole again.”

“The Sacred Light of Ainyah is a scourge to the wicked, and a balm to the innocent. She is a goddess of love, amongst other things.”

“Is that how you survived that horrible ordeal? All those foul…men?”

“What? All the fecking? Ah! Well. Ainyah is a goddess of physical love, also, and it seems that her Paladins must use physical love to bring about peace and harmony when needed. By my vow my body belongs to Ainyah to see as she sees fit in order to create a world of harmony.”

“So you have had a lot of sex?” asked Aztai breathlessly. I was somewhat reluctant, but as their jaws slowly dropped lower and lower I told them of my adventures.

“By all the gods!” said Maeve. “So all those men were nothing compared to a cave full of Tauran?”

“Not really.”

“But what about the degradation and humiliation?” said Neve. “It was horrible! I felt broken!” I reflected for a while.

“There are times, as you have now witnessed, when the righteous power of a goddess of justice flows through my body. It can give you a very wrong perception of yourself. A bit of degradation is actually good for you. It keeps your feet on the ground.” They all thought for a while.

“I…I’ve only been with two people,” said Aztai.

“More than Colm?” said Neve. Aztai bristled and sat more erect.

“Haha!” I laughed. “Now I see the angry Aztai again!” She blushed and settled down.

“Colm was an elf,” she admitted. “I basically told him what to do. But there was also a girl amongst my father’s people. I think she just wanted to because I was the Khan’s daughter. Do…do you like girl’s?” She asked me, with a hopeful expression.

“I travelled to the continent from my homeland in the islands in order to visit a land where there were only women, just to get away from men for a while.” Aztai seemed inordinately pleased with this answer.

“Well, we should get some sleep,” I said, standing up. “I can take the first watch. Maeve, I will wake you in an hour, agreed?” She nodded, and they all rose to get their cloaks and find somewhere to sleep. I noticed that they all left in pairs, and unusually had no need of the fire for warmth or safety. Aztai was left alone by the fire. “You sleep by the fire, I will be lurking in the woods.” She nodded, and looked back to the flames.

I stood watch in the dark woods, listening mostly as it was largely dark under the trees, with the moon and stars twinkling through the leaves. Then after a while I heard someone coming from the direction of the fire. It was Aztai.

“Would I disturb your …um …watching if we talked?”

“Ordinarily it is a bad idea to distract the watch, but a Paladin can sense evil intent from a considerable distance.”

“Can you sense my intent?”

“Some intents are best expressed through words or deeds, not through unspoken understandings.”

“Oh. Well, I was thinking. You never healed me. I never felt what it was like.”

“Judging by the way you treated those men I think you were creating the trauma, and quite rightly so.” I smiled in the darkness, and somehow I sensed that she did too. She reached forward into the night and took my hand, laying it palm down on her sternum.

“Is that where it hurts?” I asked.

“Yes. Bella, I…I love you.” I could see the moonlight shining in her dark eyes, glinting like stars.

“I know,” I said, and I leant forward and kissed her, putting my arms around her as she did the same to me.

“How long have you known?” She asked.

“Since we met,” I said, and I kissed her again.


“I love you, too, Aztai, since we met. Now kiss me.” We held each other tight, and kissed passionately.

“So I was thinking I might take over the watch,” said Maeve, approaching quietly from the direction of the fire. “We could all see you two had something going on so we were actually just giving you some room.”

“Oh. Thank you,” I said, then I took Aztai’s hands and took her deeper into the woods.

On a bed of moonlit moss I lay her down, and kissed away each piece of clothing. We fell into each other’s arms, our star-kissed skin eager for the touch of the beloved. She was inexperienced, but passionate, and I quickly roamed her body to find the sweetest places to love her.

I went down her body, kissing and nibbling her soft breasts, and then the silky skin of her stomach, until she gasped as I came to her nether lips. There I played with the hot flushed flesh as she groaned loudly, and I hoped that the elves were keeping a good watch! My tongue swept up to her clit, and toyed with it as my fingers caressed and probed, reaching deep inside to find the spot that made her writhe even more. Louder and louder she became as her orgasm built up and crashed over her like a tsunami. Yet still I did not stop, and she weakly moaned and vainly tried to push me away as her juices flowed and I lapped them up.

It seems that the noise of our lovemaking distracted and aroused the elves, for they also started to enjoy each other. So it was that no-one noticed the two young dwarf scouts that crept through the woods attracted by the noise, until I noticed them sitting within sight of Aztai and me, watching intently. Dwarves have excellent night vision and were probably enjoying the show.

“Hello gentleman,” I said. Aztai was startled.

“Dwarves!” she said loudly, do we need to have sex with them, too?” The dwarves looked hopeful.

“No!” I said. The dwarves looked disappointed, but remained amicable.

The Adventures of Bella the Paladin

22 stories

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Bellisima Madrigale
Agency Magazine

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years (don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!