episode 15: teamwork makes the dream work

Ready to step outside your comfort zone and try something new? Like another partner or two, perhaps?


Have you and your partner ever looked at each other and thought “You know what would make this more fun? If we take our fun out on the road and meet some fun new friends!” Well, if you did and aren’t exactly sure where to start or how to kick things up that extra notch, Alex, Ellie, and guest Poppy Lang have some very useful tips, tricks, games, ideas, and words of caution for you. If you put in the work, you can have the kind of amazing times you may be imagining, if not even better, and we’re here to help make it easier and more fun.

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Resources and further reading…

Poppy Lang’s Stories
Full Swap Vs. Soft Swap
Throuple Talk Podcast
The Dos And Don’ts Of Swinging
The Game Of Lifestyle
Orgies Through The Ages
What Really Happens At A Sex Party



Talking Kink With Alex + Ellie

A podcast about kinks, fetishes, the mythology and psychology of sex, and the future of relationships, sexuality, reproduction, and how they shape our culture.