episode 28: tit for tat with the snap

People haven’t stopped taking selfies since photography was invented, whether they were fun, professional, or titillating.

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2 min read1 hour ago


The very first working photo cameras were announced in 1839, the first nude was shot less than a year later, and by 1851, nudes of models for artists and appreciative viewers became routine. In other words, as long as cameras existed, we wanted to get naked in front of them. But why? And how did the nude selfie go from scandalous or artistic, to so commonplace that even spies are sick of looking at our bits? We talk about the history, technology, and psychology of nudes and selfies, and chat with Ruan Willow of the Oh Fuck Yeah podcast about how she incorporates exhibitionism into her work and art.

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Resources and further reading…

– Ruan Willow | Oh F*ck Yeah Podcast | X/Twitter
Mating in a Material World
Chimps Barter for Sex
Study: Monkeys “Pay” For Sex By Grooming
Robert Cornelius And The First Selfie
A Brief History Of Nude Photography
Report: UK Spies Intercept Webcam Pics, Nudity (1839 To 1939)
The Role Of Imagery Perspective In Personal Photos
Where Is The Most Popular Spot In The World To Take A Selfie?



A podcast about kinks, fetishes, the mythology and psychology of sex, and the future of relationships, sexuality, reproduction, and how they shape our culture.