NightCafeStudio AI Image — Prompt by Steve

“And these visions of Zatanna are now all that remain . . .” ¹

How I learned my lesson

Close encounters of a Z-kind

Agency Magazine
Published in
9 min readJul 14, 2023


The day began like all others. I got up, fed my dog “Finn,” went for a run, came home, and ate breakfast. I turned on the computer, saw some tweets from friends, and made some responses and retweets. I had to take some diversions into Medium to read some particularly enticing stories. I always enjoy the spicy ones as well as the humorous ones, especially those of Zatanna Dark. Sometimes I tweet to praise her or ask serious questions, and she seems to respond with threats to whip my ass and/or other parts . . . you know . . . friendly banter. All fun and games . . .

Since it was cool enough today, a pleasant 72°F, I went out to cut, split, and stack wood. Finn set out to chase chipmunks. All went well, but I noticed that the chainsaw gets heavier each year.

Rebuilding the wood pile for next winter, photo by author

Finally, covered with wood chips and sweat, I walked into the house, removed my clothes, and turned on the shower. The water was not yet warm; in fact, it was freezing, so I stood just outside the stream of water, trying not to get too cold.



Agency Magazine

Retired programmer/software engineer/Informaticist. Former writer in science journals. Tinkerer. Maker. Reader of science, software, sci-fi, fantasy, erotica.