Midjourney by SJ

Just Right | Serial Fiction | Dark Fairy Tale | Psychological Thriller | Noir Fiction

Just Right (Part 1)

Wolfe: Devil in the Pale Moon Light

Agency Magazine
Published in
8 min readJul 10, 2023


Just Right

38 stories

The thing about Red was that she had a big heart. She had big eyes, too — “the better to see you with,” she said, and everybody laughed. But nobody was ever looking at her eyes. That wasn’t the point. With tits like that, her eye color was never in question, if you know what I mean.

Right now, though, nobody in the small crowd was looking at her eyes or her tits, and the size of her heart no longer mattered. She was face down in a pool of her own blood — as dead as the grandmother she’d put in the ground six years ago. Flat out in the alley behind Smiley’s Cabaret, a horrifying mess that I’d stumbled upon less than twenty minutes ago. It was two in the morning, and I was four shots in now…and that’s just since I came back around after our latest screaming match, which I’d lost only because I’d so thoroughly won it.



Agency Magazine

teacher. linguist. innovator. author. politico. realist. registered Independent. Navy veteran. Find me here: https://www.sjstoneauthor.com/