Just Right (Part 18)

Goldi: Seeing Red

Agency Magazine
Published in
6 min readSep 7, 2023


Just Right

38 stories

Quiet on the subway ride back home — Steve and I; he in his world and me in mine.

Something about Wolfe’s den — dusty sticky tables, spilt booze and the ashy trails of cigarettes crushed underfoot — had me thinking even harder about Red and what in the hell she would have seen in him. A cop. A dirty cop , too. We all knew what kinds of things he was known for. We’d seen him in action. That night when that one mook had tried to go up on stage and get his hands on her, and how the ambulance had taken him after Wolfe was done. The blood I’d mopped up. The tooth I’d found. I’d worried myself what he’d do to me if he knew that she and I…if I….

Hard stop there. I couldn’t even. I sat hip to hip with Steve, my hands dangling between my knees, staring at the grit on the subway floor, just trying to breathe.

And then he was there, watching me sing. His big eyes drinking me in when I opened the door to the champagne room. The way his cock met me, filled me, made…



Agency Magazine

teacher. linguist. innovator. author. politico. realist. registered Independent. Navy veteran. Find me here: https://www.sjstoneauthor.com/