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Just Right (Part 30)

Goldi: Afterglow

Published in
5 min readDec 21, 2023


Just Right

38 stories

Flames reached up to the sky. Everything burned.

I watched it through tears, my dress torn, knees grinding into the sidewalk as the SUV pulled away. When I reached up and wiped my face, I could feel the warm blood smeared on my palm. The sky poured tears, drowning out mine, leaving the world crying as I knelt there by my only friend, his blood pooling around us, washed away as quickly as it spilled, every heartbeat feeding the gutter. In the morning, he will never have existed.

“Steve.” More a groan than a word. A name. A past. The name of my family, the only person in the world I knew. The only person in the world I could call mine until I met Red.

His eyes fixed on me, but he saw nothing. His grip faltered, and his hand slipped out of mine and fell lifeless on the concrete.

The haunting call of sirens echoed in the distance.

I looked right and saw Ivan’s SUV run the light. A navy blue car skidded across the intersection, laying on its horn and plowing…




teacher. linguist. innovator. author. politico. realist. registered Independent. Navy veteran. Find me here: