Just Right (Part 34)

Wolfe: Just Right For Me

Agency Magazine
Published in
8 min readJan 18, 2024


This is the last episode. To start earlier in the series, click the link below:

Just Right

38 stories

I jerked, almost toppling from my perch on the steps. The blow felt so real my hands searched my chest for the letter opener, the blood, the sucking chest wound that would send me onto the cobblestones beside my love. Instead, there was nothing but a frayed button-up under my coat, my hands scrabbling over worn fabric bought months ago, worn too many times.

She was gone. They were gone. And now there was only me. And Red.

I stared down at her crumpled body, the pale yellow of the alley light giving her face a sickly pallor, her hair more orange now, like spun gold.

Red, baby, please get up.

I wiped at the tears, feeling it all coming back — all of it, from the first time we met at the 63rd Street shelter to now. It felt like an age, and yet, it was only months, maybe a year since her smile…



Agency Magazine

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