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Just Right | Serial Fiction | Noir | Noir Fiction | 3 Bears

Just Right (Part 6)

Goldi: The Three Bears

Agency Magazine
Published in
9 min readJul 27, 2023


Just Right

38 stories

The apartment — our apartment — was pitch black when I slammed through the door, the neon from the alley casting weird shadows across the kitchen table. I stopped so suddenly my purse slid down my bare arm and skidded across the floor, spilling its contents. I blinked, glaring around, and ripped off my dress. It was wet, heavy, and I hurried across the room and tossed it into the kitchen sink to deal with later. I should have just thrown it out then, but…

I pushed aside the beaded curtain and stepped inside our coffin of a bathroom and had to clamp my hands over my mouth to keep from screaming.

The woman in the mirror was gory, flecked, splattered with blood. I could feel it drying on my arms, how it crusted in the crook of my neck. I gagged and couldn’t stop gagging, my hands shaking so violently that undressing seemed impossible, but I never once thought of her face. Not once. I couldn’t see her. I couldn’t now. Just needed to keep my…



Agency Magazine

teacher. linguist. innovator. author. politico. realist. registered Independent. Navy veteran. Find me here: