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Just Right (Part 9)

Wolfe: Blow Your House Down

Agency Magazine
Published in
7 min readAug 7, 2023


Just Right

38 stories

There’s something to be said for being drunk all day. I couldn’t remember what it was; it didn’t matter. It was a truth without words. And what else is a suspended cop supposed to do when his life is shit, his job is on hold and his girlfriend is dead?

I was a walking cliché. It was as if I’d watched entirely too many movies and found the typical movie cop role to assume: single, down-on-his-luck, overtly violent and anti-establishment, smoker, drinker, overall lout. I stared at my reflection and saw what the big screen always wanted me to see.

And looking for my lover’s killer. How could it get more cliché than that?

I needed a star on the Walk of Fame for this portrayal.

I lit another Ultra, took a drag, watched the smoke curl around my head like the clouds that rolled in just after dark. They threatened me with…



Agency Magazine

teacher. linguist. innovator. author. politico. realist. registered Independent. Navy veteran. Find me here: