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Fantasy Erotica

Kurai the Night Elf

The Adventures of Bella the Paladin #21


I’m not exactly sure how it was that the first meeting of our party ended up with Caedber and Aedber the dwarves being tied naked to a tree and a wagon wheel. I had thought of them both when Geiramun mentioned that we needed stealthy dwarves for the mission into the old Dwarf fortress of Torgick, and they were very pleased to be invited, perhaps hoping to engage in some of the shenanigans we’d had when we first met. It seemed they were right to think so.

Although Aztai wanted to go anywhere that I went, Maeve and Neve had expressed a reluctance to adventure into a deep dark tomb of a fortress just to get some gold, while neither Namira or Yusuf seemed interested. But Namira had suggested Kurai the Night Elf, and with her race’s natural inclination to live in the dark it seemed a good suggestion. Kurai was one of the Travellers and had a tent where she told fortunes, but she was also a shaman. Shamanism aroused Aztai’s interest as her father was a shaman, and we had wondered if Aztai might have some of his talent.

We met in the small tent in which she told fortunes, and she put the crystal ball aside to make tea. Kurai was intrigued by the old mountain citadel and was very happy to join our company. The tent was filled with exotic glittery things, so she may have thought there might be some gewgaw amongst the treasures there that could be her portion of the spoils.

It sounded as though this would be a task that a small group could deal with, we essentially had to only get in and open the main doors, so with the two dwarves I thought we would be enough. Kurai was intrigued to know more about our dealings with Caedber and Aedber, so we told her, much to her amusement. As the dwarves would not arrive until the next day, we agreed to have our first meeting on the morrow.

That day was quiet, and Aztai, Maeve, Neve, and I relaxed at the cottage after we cooked fresh eggs on the fire for breakfast. We mostly talked about how very sexy Kurai was.

“It’s almost as though she’s made of sex,” said Neve. “Like you took sex and manifested it as a person.”

“Aren’t we sexy?” asked Aztai.

“Well,” replied Maeve finally. “Bella is kind of warrior-sexy, you are kind of dorky sexy, while Neve and I are kind of elvish sexy.” She smiled, as though it all made complete sense.

As I sat going through Myrtle’s books at the spare table which served as a sort of desk, I was rather alarmed when a large crow landed on the sill of the open window and cawed at me very loudly.

“It’s a calling bird!” said Maeve, who had been sitting on the sofa trying to get a tune out of the mandolin Sebastian’s gnome friend had given us.

“Calling? More like a shouting bird!” I exclaimed, although I was aware of how elf druids had trained crows and jays to act as messengers. Aztai came and untied a small scroll tied to its leg, and looked at it.

“Crap. It’s from my mother!” Aztai’s face dropped and she gave the crow a look as dark as the bird’s plumage. “Oh! Well that’s good.” Aztai quickly read the note. “I think she is just relieved that I’m alive! It says “give my love to Bella”! Haha! Well she can’t have you! You’re mine!” and we smiled wickedly at each other. But as we looked at each other with wicked intent, another large crow landed with a loud caw on the windowsill.

“What is it with these fecking birds!” I shouted. The bird, unperturbed, cawed loudly at me again. I reached for the message but the creature pecked at me. Clearly only the intended recipients were allowed to take the message.

“Smart birds,” I said sullenly, as Aztai once more took the note. Before she could start reading, yet another bird arrived.

“CAW!!” I shouted at it. The bird had no reply, but stood on the sill with its friends.

“Here, read it aloud,” Aztai passed me the second note and got the third from the bird.

“If you go to Dodberry, which I assume you will as everyone will want you to see Geiramund, know that Namira is a good friend of mine and you can trust her, also her husband, Yusuf. Geiramund is another matter, but then I never trust mages.” I looked up to Aztai. “Smart person, your mother.”

“This is just telling me about who we lost in the attack by the dark sorcerers of Aktala. Also, she says she sent people out to help restore order to the lands they had conquered. She is coordinating with Cat’s Eye Castle and the kingdom of Flussberg who are also sending people in.”

It was with some pleasure that when the fourth bird arrived, it disturbed the other three, and they all started peking and cawing at each other, but Aztai managed to extract the message.

“Goodness, four calling birds!” Aztai said. “That’s a lot even for my mother! Oh! Haha! This one is about you. You’re a legend, it seems!” Thankfully, she let me read to myself the embarrassing account of how my victory against the Ancient Evil of Aktala had saved everyone.

“Let’s go see the town before any more of these fecking peckers arrive!” The four of us explored the town, including the beautiful shrine to the Maiden of the Springs, which had a lovely garden.

When Caedber and Aedber arrived Sebastian was sent to find us and Kurai, and the five of us met with Geiramund in his tower. It seemed like a simple mission. The dwarves should be able to navigate well enough within the citadel, while Kurai and I should be able to discern the undead, and deal with them. If we were quiet there was a chance we could get the doors open without any bother, if there was trouble I should have no difficulty dispelling the darkness of their motivation, leaving them a pile of disarticulated and scattered bones.

Kurai invited us back to her place “for drinks” which the dwarves seemed quite happy about. The tent was too small for five of us, and the wagon in which she slept “would only be suitable if we were all naked” she said. So we sat by a fire beneath a tree that stood by her wagon and her tent. Kurai found some bottles of some strange and rather potent liquor and offered it to all of us. Dwarves are really not very good at abstinence.

“So I hear you all had some fun in the woods when you first met?” Kurai asked after a while, her dark eyes sparkling in the fire light.

“Har! That we did!” Aedber said. “These two and the elf lassies were a-riding us all night long!”

“Ah, so I assume Bella took charge and organised a riding session?”

“Aye, that she did. Scary lass and no mistake! We had one at the pokey end and one at the licking end.”

“Maeve did some druid magic when she was riding her dwarf so I tried too!” Aztai confided, she was getting a little pink in the cheeks. “Apparently it helps with the lightning strikes!”

“Ah! The Gift of Taranos!” Kurai seemed to know all about it. “There are no gods to give you a shaman’s gifts, you must become attuned to the spirits around you, of peoples past and present, of animals, and of places. But our dwarf friends can help us there, too.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, we could try perhaps, as they are both very obliging,” the dwarves were beaming with hope now. “You don’t mind following orders if it means your nethers get some attention, I assume?”

“Don’t mind at all!” The dwarves agreed.

“Oh good. Then take your clothes off.” The two dwarves did not need to be told twice and were quickly naked, filled with hope that they would be having some fun. Aztai also seemed rather enthusiastic, although kept glancing at me to see if I was in agreement. Kurai then pulled a chest from under her wagon, pulled out a series of straps, and with rather disturbing dexterity proceeded to put restraints on the dwarves.

Caedber was bound quickly to the larger wheel of Kurai’s wagon, his smile becoming rather fixed as though he was not sure he was enjoying this at all. Aedber was bound to the trunk of the tree under whose bows we had sat. Kurai had to get a bit bossy with Aedber.

“What? You think I’m going to disembowel you or something? I promise you will enjoy it.” Both dwarves were now naked and bound, Kurai carefully checked their bonds, tightening the straps a little to make sure the dwarves were now completely helpless and subject to her will. Then she gagged them.

“What? They will be getting loud and we don’t want to attract attention!”

“Don’t worry,” I told the dwarves, looking into their now slightly alarmed eyes. “I Promise that nothing will harm you.” This seemed to help them relax a bit. Kurai went and kneeled in front of Caedber and waved Aztai and I towards Aedber.

“I assume a Paladin with your experiences knows something about pleasuring a cock?” I admitted that I had. It seems that Aztai had none of any significance and she watched with interest. I took Aedber’s testicles in my hands and gently fondled them.

“I would have to admit that no species I have done this with previously has such hairy gonads,” I said.

“Yes,” agreed Kurai. “What do you say next time we pluck them all out?” The dwarves had actually started to relax from our fondling but this suggestion made their scrotums crawl. Slowly my gentle attentions started to have the desired effect, and Aedber’s cock pulsed as the blood pumped into it. Each heart beat sent blood coursing through his member making it a little stiffer than before.

“You can be a bit rougher with the balls,” said Kurai. “Some males like it very rough, some do not, but males are naturally built with a pleasure meter. If it goes up, he is enjoying it, if it goes down, he is not!” She had her hand around Caedber’s testicles and was pulling on them quite hard and judging by his throbbing stiff cock he rather liked it. I tried this, and Aedber’s muscular body went taught with pleasure, the veins standing out on his rigid phallus.

“So we need to take them to the edge of release but not all the way,” said Kurai.

“So the first to make them squirt loses?” I asked.

“Haha! Yes, if that helps.”

“I am not especially competitive, but in this game I may make an exception,” I said, as I pulled rigorously on Aedber’s balls and my fingers played gently with the bright throbbing head of his phallus. I had actually developed an ambivalent attitude to the male member, partly because of the mess they made, and partly because they were so often attached to exceptionally irritating individuals. Mage’s for example. But as I alternately teased and tortured (only in the nicest way, of course) the nethers of my friend Aedber, and as he writhed against the restraints with his powerfully muscled body, I started to have a new appreciation of the shiny red throbbing appendages.

“Can I have a go?” asked Aztai. She seemed hesitant but enthusiastic.

“Go ahead! They really like tongues and lips, too, but don’t get carried away or you will get a face-full and we will lose the game!” Aztai gently took Aedber’s balls in her hand as though they were ancient valuable jewels, which is probably what Aedber thought they were, also. Caedber’s jewels looked like they were being pulled off for remounting, but his stiff pulsing cock rather suggested he was not suffering.

“It really looks like a well-cooked sausage now!” said Aztai. “I love sausages!” Aedber made whimpering noises as Aztai gently sunk her teeth into his cock. “Oh! It’s getting wet!”

“Careful!” said Kurai. “That comes just before they go! That means you are getting close! You need to keep them in that state for as long as possible.”

“Haha! I think Aedber likes the idea of being your sausage!” I said.

“Let Bella take over,” said Kurai. “You need to see if you can sense their spirits. They should become more discernible when they are near ecstasy.” Aztai sat between us and closed her eyes. I went back to Aedber, fondling his steel-stiff shaft and tugging his shiny round balls, giving the occasional lick on the hot throbbing head. But eventually Kurai won, and I could not stop myself from taking the dwarf all the way, until his seed shot out onto the grass.

Kurai had more experience with this game, and poor Caedber was positively vibrating with a frustrated desire to ejaculate. I slowly undid Aedber’s bonds until he flopped onto the grass, and I watched the Night Elf work on her dwarf. Then I, too, closed my eyes to see what I could discern. Finally Caedber was allowed to come, and a jet of his lust burst out across the air, almost hitting Aztai.

“So?” Kurai was more interested in Aztai’s impression than in releasing Caedber. “Did you sense anything?”

“I don’t know. I closed my eyes and tried to, well, see him, and it was pretty pointless at first, but towards the end…it was like I saw a light. Then I opened my eyes and I could still see it, shining in Caedber.”

“Aha!” said Kurai. “You can see! We will make a shaman of you yet!” she turned to me. “Could you see anything?”

“Yes. Paladins have a natural ability to discern someone’s intent, their Impetus, we call it. This must be an aspect of their spirit.”

“Indeed, it is something a shaman can do, also. But now, I think our dwarf friends need another drink.”

“Or several,” said Aedber. Caedber was still incoherent, but nodded in agreement.

The Adventures of Bella the Paladin

22 stories

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Bellisima Madrigale
Agency Magazine

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years (don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!