The Editor — Part 4

Laila Bell
Agency Magazine
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2024
Canva Pro, Vida Carey 3/5/24

Bowie released her lips but kept his hand tight in her hair. He searched her eyes. Every time he gave her just a little bit of pain, just a little bit of domination, her eyes dilated more. She may try to fight his control but her mind and body yearned for domination. Bowie smiled, “Now let’s see what I can do about your little focus problem.”

He took a small step back taking the crushing weight of his energy with him. Sara let out a small breath of relief but it was short-lived.

“Stand up and take off your clothes.”

Her eyes shot up to meet Bowie’s as panic lanced through her. “I’m not ready. I changed my mind.” She crossed her arms over her stomach.

“Oh no, it is way too late for that, Princess. The only choice you have at this moment is if you want to take your clothes off or if you want me to rip them off.” He raised an eyebrow, daring her to disobey him.

“Fine! Sara stood and reached for the tie on her pants. Trembling hands betrayed her bravado as she pulled the strings and let them pool at her feet.

“No, panties?”

“It’s not like you haven’t seen it all before.” Sara snapped.

“You’re right…and it isn’t like I haven’t stroked my cock thinking about that sweet little pussy and what it would taste like.”

Sara’s mouth dropped open. Any sass she had dried up with his admission. Looking at Bowie, she gripped the bottom of her shirt trying to find the courage to take it off. This wasn’t like at the pool. She didn’t have any power here. She was paralyzed. She couldn’t do it. Just like the words she couldn’t put on the page, the action was locked inside her brain.

He stepped closer to her, skating a finger down her cheek. “Do you need me to make the decision for you?” His gruff voice played in the silence of her office.

“Yes…” she whispered.

Bowie gripped her shirt collar and ripped it apart with one quick and violent action. He pulled the tattered material off her arms, and with it, the last of her shield. Reaching out, he lightly circled her nipple with his fingertip. Caught up in the sensation, she closed her eyes. The wet warmth of Bowie’s tongue flicked her nipple seconds before his mouth closed over her. A soft moan escaped her lips as he scraped his teeth against her skin.

Her eyes opened immediately and a whimper sounded in the silence as pain streaked through. “Never take your eyes off a villain, Sara,” he growled against the mark his teeth had made. He released her but the relief was temporary as he pinched her aching nipple again.

“You don’t get to close your eyes, Sara. You are going to watch everything I give you and then you are going to thank me for it. Understand?” When she didn’t immediately answer, he twisted her tight little nipple until she cried out.


“Good girl.” He gripped her waist and lifted her onto the desk. Stepping between her legs, Bowie pulled off his tie. “You have no idea what I will do to you. The things I have dreamed of doing to you. The things you will beg me to keep doing to you.”

Sara shook her head, “I will never beg!”

His smile was nothing short of predatory as he pulled her wrist into his hand. Sara looked down as Bowie looped his tie over it and pulled it just tight enough to deter any thought of escape.

“Lay back.”


He pushed her chest back until she was lying down. Gripping her behind the knees, he pulled Sara down until her ass was right on the edge of the desk. He quickly smoothed his tie under her legs and tied it around her other wrist. Raising her legs straight in the air, he took a minute to admire the way the light caught the moisture on her pussy. Her body betrayed her over and over. It already knew who owned it, he just had to help her mind catch up. Stepping to the side, he held her legs with one hand and ran his other hand down the back of one creamy thigh.

“So you have to look me in the eye when you beg.”



Laila Bell
Agency Magazine

Writing stories that make my mama ashamed to tell people I'm a writer💋