Canva Pro by Vida Carey 12/28/23

Erotica | Sex Toys

The Package — Part 2

Simon’s roommate continues to tease Monroe.

Laila Bell
Agency Magazine
Published in
7 min readDec 30, 2023


Monroe looked down her body as Logan’s rough hands worked her shorts over her hips.

“Now be a good girl and let me see this pretty pussy.”

In her hasty attempt to rescue her misdelivered sex toy, she had thrown on whatever she could find and that definitely did not require panties. What would Logan think? That she was just some panty-less hussy that walked around trying to sex up the neighbors on their dining room table if she couldn’t find her sex toy? “Wait!”

Logan stopped pulling her shorts down and looked up at Monroe.

“You can’t eat me on Simon’s table!”

Laughing, Logan bent down and kissed her stomach, “Why not?”

“Because he has dinner parties at this table!”

He smiled and kissed her exposed hip, “Baby doll, what do you think we are doing right now?”

“This isn’t a dinner party…well, I guess it could be…but that is just…”

Licking the exposed skin beneath her belly button, Logan interrupted her nervous rambling. Scraping his teeth over her other hip, “Monroe, do you want me to stop?” against her skin. She shivered at his gravely words against her skin.

“NO!” The loud and embarrassing answer flew immediately from her lips. Blushing she laid back and threw her arm over her face. “No, I don’t want you to stop.” She couldn’t look at him when he finished pulling her shorts off and realized she wasn’t wearing panties.

“If it makes you feel better, I will buy Simon a new table. Hell, I might take this to my house and put it in my sex dungeon.” Logan pulled her shorts off her legs and threw them on the floor.

“FUCK ME! No panties! ”

“I meant to wear panties…I just…wait, you have a sex dungeon?”

“I will build one just to eat your pussy anytime I want…on this table.”

Wrapping his hands behind her calves, he jerked her to the edge of the table. “Plus, I love that you weren’t wearing panties over this hot little pussy. And even if you were, I would have just ripped them off.”

“You would?”

“Absolutely.” Logan pulled a chair up and put one of her legs on each shoulder. “Now hands at your sides, pretty girl. Daddy’s hungry.”

She had to be dreaming. Hot guys did not throw you on the table and then eat your pussy like a five-course meal. Did they?

Evidently they totally fucking did because in the next second, his tongue was on her pussy and every thought in her brain evaporated.

“So fucking sweet.” He slid his hands under her ass and lifted her up to his mouth like an offering. “You really shouldn’t eat dessert first at a dinner party, but since I make the rules…” Logan licked the seam of her pussy softly and then flattened his tongue and licked her folds harder.

“Mmmm…” Monroe was melting like an ice cream sundae on the 4th of July and Logan was happy to catch every creamy drip. She couldn’t hold back her moan if she tried. He was just too good.

“That’s it baby, let me hear it. Every sexy little whimper, every moan, every scream belongs to me.”

Logan started eating her like he was trying to set a world fucking record. Drawing it out, never getting close enough to her clit to push her over the edge but close enough to keep her hanging on every flick of his tongue. Every long lick, every sucking kiss, every nibble had her grinding into his mouth. Monroe needed more. She needed something. She needed to fucking cum. “Please!”

“Please what?”

Monroe sobbed and writhed on the table. She could barely string coherent thoughts together and he wanted to ask her questions?! She reached down and grabbed his hair and desperately tried to guide him back to her pussy.

“Does my pretty girl need to cum?”

“Yes!” she cried and tried to grind his lips against her.

“Okay, baby,” he grinned. Sitting her flat on the table, he used one hand to spread her open, “Let’s see how many licks it takes to make you forget everything but me.” Sucking her clit into his mouth, he slid a finger deep inside her.

“Yes!” Monroe gasped as he started flicking his tongue back and forth across her hard nub as he pumped his finger in and out of her. Her legs started to shake and she gripped his hair even harder. She felt him groan against her pussy, and he pushed another finger into her before lightly scraping her clit with his teeth.


Monroe’s entire body locked up like she had been tased and if he didn’t have her legs pinned open she might have broken his neck. Logan would have to remember that for next time and maybe bring some restraints. He took his time licking her through the aftershocks before kissing the inside of one leg and then the other. “Mmmm, baby doll, I love the noises you make when you cum on my tongue!” Logan stood and pulled her down the table. “Wrap your legs around me, baby.”

Satisfied, dreamy eyes stared up at him, “What are you doing?” she whispered as he unbuttoned his pants.

“Seeing what sounds you make when you cum on my cock!”

Monroe ground her wet pussy against his stomach. “Hurry!”

“Baby girl, you keep doing that and I am going to forget I’m a good guy and fuck you bare.”

She ground against him again. She was beyond reason. She just wanted more. But it seemed Logan was a good guy after all.

“I would much rather give you more orgasms but if you don’t stop that, I will be forced to flip you over and spank you.”

Monroe pouted but stopped trying to seduce his cock into her pussy. The crinkle of the package drew her eyes down. She bit her lip and watched him roll the condom down his cock. “Hurry!” she pleaded.

“So fucking greedy.” Logan leaned forward and lightly gripped her throat. “Do you want me to bury my fat cock in your greedy little pussy?”

Monroe locked her ankles behind his back and tried to pull him inside her, “Please! I want it so fucking bad. Fuck me, please!”

“Hearing you beg for my cock is the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” Logan gently squeezed her throat. “Don’t worry, Daddy will take care of you,” gripping her waist he slammed inside her.

Monroe’s gasp was lost in the sound of the table scraping against the floor. The feel of his cock pounding inside of her was everything she needed in that moment. Using her legs she kept pulling him into her, “Harder, Daddy!” Holy shit, had she just called him, Daddy? Fuck it! Who cares? She would call him whatever he fucking wanted it if he kept pounding her pussy like he was mad at it.

“You are playing with fire, baby doll.” Logan growled. “You keep saying things like that and I will never let you leave.” His grip on her hips was punishing as he fucked her harder and harder. With every thrust of his hips, the table inched a little closer to the wall until it was slamming against it with every savage thrust.

Logan suddenly stopped.

“NO! Don’t stop!” Monroe cried.

“Not stopping, pretty girl.” He leaned over and gripped her shirt. “Want to see your tits bounce while I stuff you full of cock.” The sound of her shirt ripping down the middle almost made her cum. She always fantasized about someone wanting her so much that they lost control and just took her.

Logan started fucking her like he was trying to ram the table through the wall. With every slam of his cock more things fell off the wall and her body rocked back and forth with the momentum. “Look at those gorgeous tits bounce.”

Monroe looked down but all she could focus on was his cock sliding in and out of her pussy.

Logan smiled wickedly, “You like watching too, don’t you baby?”


“Mmmm, I fucking love that. Play with your clit, baby. Put on a show for me.”

Monroe never took her eyes off Logan’s cock as she slid her hand down her belly and started to rub her clit in small circles. “Fuck, it feels so good, Daddy.”

“Just like that. Show me what a dirty little girl you are.”

Monroe held her breath. She started to tingle all over. Her orgasm was building inside her and she might not survive it this time. Every sensation seemed more intense than she had ever felt before.

She reached up and pinched her nipple with her other hand and whimpered. She pinched it and rolled it harder.

“Such a naughty girl. Playing with your nipples, ordering sex toys, walking around without panties, looking at my cock when I was changing.”

Monroe rubbed her clit harder. She was so close.

“Monroe.” Her eyes snapped up to Logan’s commanding ones.

“Be Daddy’s good little slut and cum on my cock.”

His dirty words pushed her over the edge. “FUCK! Daddy, don’t stop!” She plucked and pulled her nipple and rubbed her clit as her body splintered apart. A warm gush spilled out of her pussy.

“Did you just squirt on my cock?!” Logan groaned. “FUCK BABY! You are going to make me cum. Is that what you want? Daddy filling up your tight little pussy?”

“YES!! Fill me up! Give it to me, Daddy!”

Logan slammed into her one final time, chanting her name as his orgasm blasted through him. She was so sensitive, she could feel every surge of his cock as he spilled more and more cum into the condom.

His arms were locked on the table and he was breathing hard. His cock was still buried in her pussy as he looked up. “Such a good little slut for Daddy.” Her pussy involuntarily tightened at his words. Grinning, Logan slid from her body and reached to help her up. “Come on, baby girl.”

She could feel her heartbeat in her toes. She shivered with the aftershocks and finally looked up at Logan. “I don’t have the strength to move.”

“It’s okay, I can carry you.” Grabbing her under her arms, he raised her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

Laughing, Monroe asked, “Where are we going?”

Logan smacked his hand down on her ass, “Baby girl, a good dinner party always has a second course.”



Laila Bell
Agency Magazine

Writing stories that make my mama ashamed to tell people I'm a writer💋