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Erotica | Boss

The Quiet Car

Easton finds bliss on a train.

Laila Bell
Agency Magazine
Published in
10 min readDec 28, 2023


Bliss stood in front of the door angrily clenching the paper in her fist. “Amtrak — Acela 3:15, Quiet Car, DRESS APPROPRIATELY”

She looked down at the paper one more time before she tossed it in the trash. Dress appropriately, her ass! She always dressed appropriately! She was classy and professional. It wasn’t her fault “the dictator” thought his colleagues spent more time looking at her than the presentation. That was a “them” problem, not a “her” problem. She couldn’t change the way she looked, and she wasn’t going to dress like a nun to ensure people paid attention in meetings. Maybe he didn’t need to work with jackasses with short attention spans. A point which she had made more than once. Honestly, he probably should have fired her for back talk ages ago but she was really good at her job and they both knew it. There was just something about him that made her want to give him a piece of her mind or stick her tongue out, she couldn’t decide.

And the sterner and overbearing his orders, the more she wanted to rebel in some way. The chill air from the corridor skated across her skin making her hyper-aware of the small rebellion she had chosen for today. She was all professional on the outside but under her clothes, she made the choices and today…that meant no bra and no panties. He would never know all the ways she subtly defied his orders, which was a bit of a shame. Anarchy was always best when others knew about the rules you had broken.

Smiling evilly, she pushed the button. A slight whoosh of air accompanied the silent opening of the door. Her nipples tightened under her shirt. Perfect! Stepping over the threshold of the quiet car, Bliss quickly looked for the dictator of her work life. There were a few businessmen and women but otherwise, the car was pretty bare. Finally, she spotted his perfectly styled black hair towards the back of the car.

The few people typing away on their laptops barely looked at her. The thump of her heels on the floor rudely interrupted the gentle click of keys and the occasional rustle of fabric. She quickly made her way down the aisle toward Easton Cole, the Duke of Bossiness and Royal Pain in Her Ass. He must have heard her coming because the asshole looked at his watch like she was late. It was 3:13 and he was already getting on her nerves.

Bliss plopped down in the seat across from him and looked at her own watch. He was not going to pull this shit on her. She was early. Instead of looking chagrined, he simply glanced at his watch again. She lowered her wrist and quietly whisper-screamed, “I am early!”

Easton looked her in the eyes for a few more seconds before his eyes dipped down to her mouth before they tracked down the length of her body. She felt them linger on the buttons of her shirt and wondered if he could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. She hoped so! Maybe that would rattle his bossy ass. He paused again at the hem of her skirt. The longer he looked the more he seemed to see. Bliss crossed her legs and waited for him to finish his silent assessment. It’s not like he could make her go home and change. This was an overnight trip to some obscenely rich client that had to be accommodated. She did have a change of clothes with her and even underwear but those were in the luggage compartment so Easton would just have to deal.

He had to stop himself from smiling when he heard her speed walk down the aisle on those angry little heels. He may have goaded her a bit by looking at his watch, but he was more than rewarded when she plopped her little attitude down across from him. He couldn’t help but notice her tits bounce and press against the cotton of her button-up shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra on purpose. He knew when he added, “dress appropriately” to the email, she would have a little tantrum. But he honestly wasn’t prepared for this. As he looked at the rest of her, he had to shift in his seat to adjust his rapidly hardening cock. She was wearing a skirt even though he had expressly forbidden her from wearing skirts two months ago and if she wasn’t wearing a bra, he highly doubted she was wearing panties. The thought of her walking to the train station without a bra or panties in this ridiculous skirt for anyone to fantasize about just pissed him off.

When he had finished the tortuous cataloging of her clothes, Easton pinched the bridge of his nose briefly. He had more self-control than most but Bliss was wearing his thin. She constantly challenged him, always had something sassy to say, and was way too gorgeous to be walking around in public without a security detail. She was fucking phenomenal at her job and professionally, he respected the hell out of her insight and hustle. He was obsessed with everything about her and every time someone looked at her he wanted to snarl. He had rejected two very lucrative contracts because the assholes had made inappropriate comments about her. It was either that or wind up in a jail cell because he had beat some 75-year-old man to death. If he wasn’t her boss, he would have already locked her in his house until she was screaming his name and understood that she was his…end of story.

“Have you finished the inspection?” Bliss meant to sound no-nonsense but it came out as more of a challenge than intended.

With intense angry eyes, Easton slowly leaned across the space and put his arms on her chair, effectively caging her in. Her heart sped up as heat and power washed over her in the small space.

“I must insist you sit beside me, Ms. Ellison. I cannot properly report on your inspection via text and the quiet car has rules about keeping conversations hushed.” Easton leaned back and waited for her to decide if she was going to mind or not.

Rolling her eyes, Bliss stood and picked up her briefcase. Slowly scooting past him, she sat between him and the window. Crossing her legs, Bliss turned with a smirk, “I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on my outfit.”

“Let’s start with the fact that it is distracting on a number of levels.”

“I have told you before, it is not my problem if people cannot pay attention in a meeting.” Bliss waved her hand and looked out the window.

“That is correct…”

Bliss waited; she knew there was a “but” in here somewhere.

“But only if you are dressed appropriately.”

Spinning in her seat, she poked him in the chest, “This bullshit again?”

Easton grabbed the lapel of her jacket, jerking her closer to him. His voice dropped to a whisper, “I will deal with your language later, but for right now…” He ran his fingertips down the lapel of her jacket. Her nipples hardened under her shirt, and there was really no way he would have missed it if he had been looking down, but his eyes were locked on hers with the confidence of someone who had finally made a decision they had been fighting for way too long.

“Your nipples are distracting, Bliss.”

She felt the blush erupt across her face. He fucking knew!

“When you sat down, I could see them under your shirt.”

Leading with righteous anger to cover her embarrassment, she snapped, “And? How is that distracting?”

“I want to know what color they are before I suck them into my mouth. But that is only one reason going without a bra is inappropriate.”

Her breath caught in her throat, “It is?”

His hand slid up to her neck, flexing slightly as he collared her with his hand, “Yes, it is also because other people are able to see what belongs to me and it makes me homicidal which would be very bad for business.”

Bliss licked her lips. This was not exactly how she saw this playing out. She thought she could push his buttons and piss him off a bit…but now she was soaking her skirt and probably the seat because she had rebelled and not worn panties. Easton had turned the tables so fast she never even saw it coming.

Easton slid his fingers down her chest, to her thigh. “Second issue with your chosen outfit is this fucking skirt.”

“Is it distracting too?”

“Every single time you wear one all I can think about is bending you over some boardroom table and eating your sweet little pussy until you cum on my mouth.”

Her mouth dropped open. Her heart was racing like she had run a marathon. Only in her late-night panty party had she entertained the fantasies spilling from Easton’s lips. She knew this wasn’t a dream or stroke because she could feel his hand slide further down her thigh to the hem of her skirt.

“So you can see why I had to forbid you from wearing skirts.”

“Any other issues I should be aware of, Sir?”

Easton’s eyes flashed as he slid his hand discreetly under Bliss’s skirt, “Depends.”

“On what?”

“On whether you are wearing panties or not.”

Bliss lifted her chin, rising to the challenge in his voice. “What happens if I’m not?”

His fingers traced the seam of her legs back and forth, “Then the punishment will have to fit the crime.”

Bliss held her breath and uncrossed her legs, the unspoken invitation hanging heavily between them.

“It’s almost like you wanted to be caught,” Easton whispered and slid his fingers up her leg getting closer and closer to the truth.

Bliss was caught in his gaze; she never broke eye contact as his fingers brushed ever so slightly over her bare pussy. He slipped one finger down along her skin and raised an eyebrow.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, such a wet needy little pussy. The only fair punishment for you teasing me in public with these outfits is for me to tease you in public with something, wouldn’t you agree?”


“Can you be a good girl and keep quiet for your punishment?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Keep calling me Sir and I will forget where we are and fuck you on the floor. And baby, if you make noise, I will have to stop. Do you understand?” He slipped two fingers between her wet folds.

Bliss shut her eyes and pressed her lips together. She would never survive this. It already felt so fucking good.

Easton pulled his fingers away and Bliss opened her eyes, “I said, do you understand?”


A wicked smile split Easton’s lips, “Good girl.” He slowly rubbed her clit back and forth. “Do you know how many times I’ve stroked my cock thinking about what you wear under your clothes?”

Shaking her head, Bliss gripped the arm of the chair to keep from crying out.

Easton leaned into her shoulder, putting his lips right next to her ear. “Every single night since you started working for me.” He pulled back so he could watch her face as he sank one finger deep inside her pussy.

Bliss gasped at the feel of him pumping in and out of her slick heat.

“That’s right, baby. I love that gasp. I can’t wait to hear it when I finally sink my fat cock in your pussy.”

“Mmmmm, yes.”

Easton stopped and pulled his fingers slowly out of her pussy. He sucked his fingers into his mouth. “What was the rule, Bliss?”

Her eyes went wide.

“What was the rule, baby?”

Bliss closed her eyes and whispered, “I had to stay quiet or you would stop.”

“Do you need help staying quiet, baby?” Easton whispered against her ear.


Easton pulled his pocket square out of his jacket. “Normally I would stuff your panties in your mouth, but since you were a naughty girl today and didn’t wear any, I guess we will have to improvise.”

Easton leaned over, “Open up, baby.” Bliss opened her mouth and Easton stuffed the pocket square inside.

He wrapped one arm around Bliss, anchoring her in place. Turning slightly toward her he slipped his other hand back under her skirt. “Stay quiet, baby and I will make this pretty pussy cum all over my hand.”

Bliss widened her legs again and Easton pushed two fingers into her pussy. Using his thumb, he added pressure to her clit as he rocked back and forth inside her. He could feel her pussy flutter around his fingers.

“Just like that, baby. Ride my hand and give me that fucking orgasm. I want them all.” Easton growled against her ear.

It was too much. His breath on her neck, his words in her ear, his arm holding her in place while she rode his hand. She was going to cum and she didn’t know if she could stay quiet even with his pocket square stuffed in her mouth.

“Fuck yes, baby! Be a good girl and cum for me.”

Bliss turned her face into Easton’s chest and screamed as her body exploded. She couldn’t help it. Shivers ran through her body and goosebumps broke out on her skin. It was six months of sexual tension detonating in the quiet car of a train.

Bliss felt like a ragdoll as Easton moved her around. He pulled his pocket square from her mouth and pressed a kiss to her lips. She opened her eyes when he laid his suit coat on her. Smiling softly, she whispered, “I don’t think I was quiet.”

Chuckling, Easton pressed a kiss to her forehead and whispered, “I guess I will have to find another way to punish you.”

Surrounded by his smell and floating on the cotton candy clouds of an orgasm, Bliss let the train rock her to sleep.



Laila Bell
Agency Magazine

Writing stories that make my mama ashamed to tell people I'm a writer💋