Demons | Alternate Timeline | Fiction

Time Waits For No One

She has been waiting for too long, and now she will wait no longer.

Alexander Martin
Agency Magazine
Published in
10 min readApr 18, 2024


This story follows the events of Time Knows No Boundary and is part of the Crossroads saga.


8 stories

The guide watched the sultry woman walk towards the bar.

“Gonzalez!” one of the guides called him over.

He slowly walked over to the other guides. Most were sweaty and smelt like they hadn’t bathed in weeks, but that was the business. Many people came to this area to find guides to take them into the forest’s depths to find hidden treasures or lost civilizations.

“Where are the other Americans?” one of the others asked.



Alexander Martin
Agency Magazine

I like to write detailed erotic stories. I love to tell a story of how, when and where.