How did I get started with FLO wallet and mining?

Himashree Sah
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2024

Getting started with FLO wallet is quite simple but a time-taking task. I followed the following steps: -

  1. I referred to existing articles regarding FLO wallet. It might or might not be necessary to disable firewalls and antiviruses, depending on your system.
  2. I downloaded the file from the GitHub repository — ( I downloaded the win64 version. Depending on your operating software, you might need to download other versions.
  3. Once downloaded, I extracted the files into the appropriate folder. Then I proceeded to run the flo-qt.exe file in the folder.
  4. Once the application opens, the wallet it supposed to start syncing. My wallet wasn’t syncing; therefore, I made the following changes:- 1. Go to Settings> Options > Open Configuration file. I opened configuration file using notepad and added the following text —

5. After adding the text, I restarted my application and the wallet started syncing. It took a day to complete syncing.

The next step involves starting mining with the FLOwallet:-

  1. Once the FLO wallet is synced, I generated the receiving address. Go to “Request payment” in the Receive tab.
Request payment screen

2. I copied the Address into a file for future use.

3. The configuration file contains the username and password. I edited them to my liking.

4. Then I downloaded the CPU Miner from the GitHub repo- ( I extracted the files in another folder.

5. I opened the extracted folder and typed cmd in the address bar above.

6. In the terminal, I entered the following text-

minerd.exe --url --algo=scrypt --user=[your_rpc_username] --pass=[your_rpc_password] --coinbase-addr=[your_receiving_address]

Replace the username and password with your username and password. Replace coinbase-addr with your obtained receiving address. Ps- Don’t forget to remove the []. Check that the port name is same as rpc port in config file

minerd command

7. I pressed enter and the mining process started. To quit the process press “Ctrl + c”.

The mining process

8. I then made a batch file to avoid typing the above text again and again. For that, create a new notepad file in the same folder I extracted in step 4. Paste the above minerd.exe text in it. Then save the file as *filename*.bat. Don’t forget to select the type as “All types”.

9. You can create a shortcut of the .bat file in your desktop for easier access.

How did I backup my wallet and get the private key?

  1. In the File tab, I selected the “backup wallet” option. Then I proceeded to save the data in the desired location.

2. To get my private key, I went to Help > Debug window Option. In the console I typed the following text and pressed enter.

dumpprivkey <receiving address>

3. I got my private key, which I saved in a safe location for future use. Make sure to keep your private key safe, as it can be used to access your wallet, and hence can lead to FLO theft.

Enjoy :)

