Inspiration and motivation

Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2020

In 2016 I went on a roadtrip around the west coast of the US.

I did it in truck that I made into a small house on wheels. this was the inspiration for building a slightly bigger house on wheels, a projects on which I worked while writing a blog about the process.

During that roadtrip I also went to Burning Man. That experience was exceptional in many ways, but that’s not the focus of this blog. This series of posts will be about a projects that’s inspired by the first art installation I interacted with at Burning Man, the Talk To God Phone Booth.

With one phone placed in a phone booth situated somewhere on the playa, and another phone installed, I believe, in a certain camp where camp members doing shifts answering calls, people who step into the phone booth get to have a chat with god.

Talk To God phone booth — Burning Man

My chat with good ol’ good was wonderful (avocado was her favorite vegetable as well, and she promised to tell my dad, who passed away the year before, that I love him), but what I liked the most about this art installation is that it gave people the opportunity to have a random conversation with someone.

My project is about creating a similar experience for the attendees of Kiwiburn, New Zealand’s regional burn, and hopefully other big gatherings.

I plan on connecting two phones as intercom. When one of the phones is picked up, the other “knows” about it and does something to draw the attention of someone around it. I’m thinking flashing LEDs and music. And then, when the other phone is picked up, a connection is established and a conversation starts.

Given the random nature of the conversations it will enable, and the fact that it uses the concept of intercom, I decided to call my project Rancom.

I’m not entirely sure how to do that, but that is what this blog is about.
I will write a post prior to every step in the way, it will help me to know exactly what I’m trying to achieve, which materials I need to get, and maybe even spot issues in my design early enough, which will save time and resources.

Another good thing about having a blog such as this one is a good resource for anyone who wants to do something similar.

Hope you’ll enjoy reading it!



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Web developer, part-time traveler. Enjoys music, googly-eyes, and making stuff.