AlgoExplorer API Fully Supports Algod and Algorand Indexer endpoints

Pablo Yabo
Rand Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2022

The latest update to is live. With this new version, all of the historical blocks and full node features, like the previously blocked /v2/accounts endpoints, are completely available through our API. No more limit for querying blocks past the last 1000. You can read more about the changes directly on AlgoExplorer.

Testnet and Betanet versions are also fully functional!

AlgoExplorer API

Take a look at some examples using AlgoSDK to execute two actions; reading the account balance and making a transaction. This is only a small sample of the actions you can take using our framework. More examples can be found here:

Initiate a project and install Algosdk dependency:

Here are our API URLs:

These are the environment variables in my .env file:

Your package.json should look something like this:

In your index.js, use the mnemonicToSecretKey method to get the account’s public and private data. You’re going to need this later to sign a transaction. Then instantiate the client (Algodv2):

With the accountInformation method you can access the address balance:

Here is an example of a transaction:

