How do I verify my asset or application with AlgoExplorer’s Login System for Creators?

Pablo Yabo
Rand Labs
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2022
AlgoExplorer Verification System

AlgoExplorer’s aim is to serve as a one-stop-shop of information for all assets available on the Algorand blockchain. We provide multiple metrics that help community members make informed decisions and developers create new technologies.

As the main reference blockchain explorer for Algorand, we felt the responsibility towards the community to implement an asset reputation system as has been common practice among multiple other explorers for various blockchains.

Launching today in conjunction with our new reputation system, is a Login system for Creators which allows project owners to update their asset’s or application’s information directly on AlgoExplorer. This new system will allow them to also apply for verification directly on the platform. We are hoping to empower creators by offering this tool to carry out important asset or application management actions which previously had to be dealt with manually on a case per case basis.

Let’s examine the process for applying for verification.

Logging in to AlgoExplorer

Logging in using the new magiclink

Once you access you will see a new Log In button on the top right hand side of your screen.

You can choose to login using GitHub, your Google Account or with a magiclink in your email inbox. When you enter your email address, you will receive a magic link in your inbox prompting you to log in to AlgoExplorer.

Now that you’ve been redirected back to AlgoExplorer, the login button will have changed to a user icon. When hovering over this icon, you will see a menu with 5 options. Using this menu you are able to change your profile settings, see your asset dashboard, apply for verification for both assets and applications or logout. Keep in mind that the verification process for assets and applications is the same except for a slight difference in the form you need to fill to apply.

Verifying the Creator Address

We will select the dashboard option to head over to the assets dashboard home. Once there, your first requirement is to verify the creator address. To do this, on the right hand side towards the top, there is a blue button prompting you to verify the address.

Within the new menu that has opened, you will have to input your creator address and select continue.

Choosing the Verification Method

At this point, you will see 3 options for verifying that you are the owner of the address that was inputted in the previous step. Below you can find an explanation of how each method works.


If you are a MyAlgo user, this option gives you the fastest way to verify your creator address.

If wallet is selected, a new pop up screen will open to link up MyAlgo Connect. In this pop up, you will simply have to enter your MyAlgo password in order for AlgoExplorer to cross reference your signature and verify that you are the owner of the address.


Users of any other Algorand wallets may elect this option for verifying their creator address.

If manual is selected, then you will have to open a new window or tab and head over to your wallet of choice. The AlgoExplorer tab will show you a wallet address and a 6 digit code for you to send a 0 Algo transaction to. In the wallet, input the receiver address, select 0 Algo for the amount and make sure that your 6 digit code given by AlgoExplorer, is inputted in the transaction note.

Once the transaction is sent, click on search for transaction on the AlgoExplorer tab. After a few seconds, the system will find the transaction you sent and corroborate that you are the owner of the address.

QR Code

Mobile users might prefer this option for ease of access on their phones.

This option allows you to use a separate device to open the QR code corresponding to the wallet address. Then AlgoExplorer will activate your webcam. Bring your device’s screen in front of the camera so that the QR code is read. The system will then ensure you are the owner of the address and you are able to continue. Please double check that the fields of value and note field were properly filled out automatically before proceeding, they must not be left blank.

When you complete the address verification process with any of the 3 options, you will get a confirmation screen prompting you to go back to the dashboard.

Submitting the asset/app verification proposal

ASA Proposal Form

In the dashboard you will see an individual card for each of your assets or applications created under the verified address. Each asset or application card will have several metrics for it as well as a Verify option. For assets or applications that you have already submitted a verification request, you will also be able to see the status of the request.

To continue with the process of verifying an asset or application, select the “Verify” button in the asset’s or application’s card. You will see a new form that asks you to fill out certain information related to the application or asset. At this point, the form you see will differ in some aspects depending on if it is an asset or application that you are trying to verify.

Once the form is filled out, you will head back to the dashboard and the card for the asset or application you requested verification for will show a “pending” status. For now, your job is done, the AlgoExplorer team will evaluate the request and assign a reputation level within the new system.

If the process is completed smoothly, you will receive an email indicating that your request has been fulfilled together with the level assigned to your asset or application. Depending on the reputation level you are given, your asset or application will reap certain benefits such as showing up higher on search results as well as stats listings. Additionally, AlgoExplorer users will be able to identify the legitimacy of an asset based on their badge, helping to avoid scams.

If there was some sort of issue with the verification process, you will also receive an email saying that your request has been rejected. If this latter case is true, then heading back to the dashboard you are able to appeal the decision using the corresponding button in the asset or application’s card.

