Releasing MyAlgo 3.0: A Community-driven redesign

Daniel Alcivar
Rand Labs
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2022

After several months of working on the functionality and stability of the platform, we finally released the new version of MyAlgo Wallet, our most community-driven release to date. You spoke, and we listened! We worked diligently to deliver a product worthy of our community. This release focuses on strengthening the features our users liked most, improving the ones the community didn’t like as much, and adding new features requested by the community. This release also builds the foundation for bigger changes coming to MyAlgo in 2022 regarding DeFi.

General UX Improvements

Several user experience improvements have been made throughout the interface. A few key highlights include:

  • Account balance: Center stage and increased relevance
  • Algo Price: Available across the dashboard
  • Asset List: New section listing assets, improving exploration and accessibility to all assets
  • Add/Opt-in Asset: A more intuitive way to add Assets to your wallet
  • Transaction History: New transaction history section with better information display and search bar.
  • Minimum Balance: Improved ways to handle issues with an account’s minimum balance.

Announcement Box: Visibility for important events and feature releases.

Ledger Multiple Account Support

A long-time request for Ledger users, MyAlgo now allows users to import multiple accounts from a single Ledger device. Previously, only the first account in their Ledger would be imported. Now, all accounts can be imported seamlessly to MyAlgo.

Multisig Improvements

A new notification center for multisig interactions will make it easier to know what is happening when a co-signer is required to take action in a multisig transaction. Additionally, the release includes several bug fixes regarding the multisig account creation, shared secret, and imports.

Rebuilt for an exciting future

The majority of the efforts in this release are behind the curtains. All processes and the backend of MyAlgo were completely rebuilt in a better, more efficient way that will allow the wallet to scale to millions of users. You can expect better performance with the wallet and improved navigation between products. This overhaul will allow faster product releases in the future, which is particularly important for the upcoming DeFi release schedule coming to MyAlgo’s dashboard, including swap aggregators, borrow/lend integrations, staking, farming, and much more.

We are excited about the significant value this release brings to our user experience. What do you think about this new version of MyAlgo? As always, your feedback is key. Please don’t forget to let us know your feedback and thoughts in the comments, or you can Tweet them at @myalgo_, comment on the official Algorand SubReddit, Discord, or via email at Go ahead and try out the new MyAlgo!

