The Tree of Liberty Must Be Refreshed With Blood. But We Get To Choose How Much.

April Hamilton
Rando Human
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2018

History has repeatedly shown that when things get bad enough, the American people will rise up to assert their rights, and they will prevail. Unfortunately for our nation, “bad enough” seems to be the point at which a large majority of Americans are personally harmed, have witnessed harm done to those they care about, or feel they are at risk of harm. We’re not there yet.

Those who are backing and conspiring with this hateful, venal, corrupt administration are a vocal minority. There are more of us than there are of them. But there aren’t yet enough of us who feel personally moved to act.

What will it take?

It took a Civil War to end slavery — though sadly, support for slavery still hasn’t been entirely stamped out.

It took the decimation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and we had to see images of the 150k+ innocent people killed and maimed in those attacks, for us to demand a ban on nuclear weapons.

Children’s March participants were hit with fire hoses.

It took the deaths of children and students being brutalized by police to advance the Civil Rights movement. And we had to see it to believe it.

It took the deaths of 58,000 American soldiers and graphic imagery of their suffering to stoke a nationwide protest movement to pull out of the Vietnam War.

It took the deaths of 17 high school students who were gunned down in their classrooms — and the immediate grass-roots activism of that entire community plus nationwide media coverage — to get any form of gun control legislation enacted in Florida.

The majority of Americans are already unhappy about what’s happening in this country, but not enough of them are angry yet. Sadly, people have to suffer greatly and people have to die before anger reaches the critical mass demanded by effective activism. The only question is how many.

It is in our power to limit the suffering and death that by now, we all must surely realize is the inevitable outcome of this current American crisis. With each new policy born of hate and corruption new voices are added to the activist chorus, but we don’t have to wait until fascism, greed and hate are knocking on our own front doors.

You can save lives, you can spare the suffering of innocents. Act NOW. Vote ALWAYS.



April Hamilton
Rando Human

Professional writer, amateur smart ass. Modern spinster.