Photographing Dogs 2

Watch dogs teach me

Kyle Reynolds
Random Acts of Dog


I love photographing dogs. They are one of my favorite subjects. I especially enjoy photographing dogs at play. They are amazing to watch. They are engrossed in their activities and experiencing pure joy. They are in the moment and have no care in the world other than the object of their play.

Watching the dogs teaches me. It teaches me how I can enjoy my life more. I find that too often I am too busy thinking about things instead of enjoying the experience. This is true even when I am doing something I thouroughly enjoy such as photography. I am always thinking about the shot I just missed or soemthing else I could do instead of just enjoying the moment. And when I am out doing other things I enjoy like hiking and I get to experience the wonders of nature I find myself regretting not having my camera with me to take some photographs.

My goal is to be more like a dog. Seek out fun in life and enjoy it in the moment with no regrets.



Kyle Reynolds
Random Acts of Dog

Professional photographer/writer. Runner. Dog lover. PhD ABD Psychology. Masters in Sports Psych.