Time With Shelter Dogs

Kyle Reynolds
Random Acts of Dog
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2016

Sometimes I think that “taking photographs” of the dogs is just an excuse to “go play with dogs”. Photographing the dogs can be hard work but at the same time is fun and rewarding. I do try to play with the dogs and interact with them as much as possible because it is part of my mission as a photographer to show the dogs in as natural and comfortable pose as possible. Often when someone enters a shelter to look at the dogs, the dog they see in the kennel behind a fence isn’t the real dog whose there. The dog behind the fence is the scared nervous dog who is waiting to go home and anxiously awaiting their new human. This does not necessarily present the dog that will be the one at home with after being adopted. My mission is to go out and interact with a dog in a way that brings out their true personality. I want to photograph their true identity. Not their “Shelter Dog” identity behind a fence. That’s not who they are. If the dog likes toys I try to photograph them playing with toys. If they are an energetic dog and run around I try to photograph them running around. If they are a hound that likes to bark I portray that too. If they are a dog who is a little shy an nervous with new humans I try to go slow with them and let them get to know me and relax so I can photograph their true nature of how they will be after they get home with their new human and are more comfortable.

If you love shelter dogs please visit my IndieGoGO campaign and support it so we can help bring this exhibit featuring these great animals to the public and help raise awareness for shelter dogs: http://igg.me/at/ShelterDogsattheMuseum/x/13239346

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Originally published at krnaturalphoto.com on February 25, 2016.



Kyle Reynolds
Random Acts of Dog

Professional photographer/writer. Runner. Dog lover. PhD ABD Psychology. Masters in Sports Psych. KRNaturalPhoto.com