
The Search for Dad’s Glasses

A hundred-word micro-humor

Random Awesome


image by Ulkar — purchased by the publisher

When the dad is frantically searching for his glasses in every nook and cranny of his home, the son walks to him with the lost glasses.

The surprised dad asks,

“Where did you find it, my boy?”

“In the bedroom, Dad.”

“Oh, man! I thoroughly searched our bedroom. How did I miss it?”

“Because it was in our neighbor’s bedroom, Dad.”

“Oh my gosh! Please don’t tell this to your Mamma, my son. I promise to take you to Disneyland.”

“Too late, Dad. Mamma had already booked two tickets to Disney World before she drove off to the family lawyer.”

This story is a part of the micro-humor series on ‘diabolical duo — son and dad’.

Click this link to read the rest of the stories:



Random Awesome

A creative neuro-scientist, fascinated by the world of fiction and ageing neuroscience. Email @