Humor, Micro Fiction

Dollars For A Homeless Man

A 100-word humor story

Random Awesome


Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

“Dad, I feel pity for a homeless man I see every day after school. I wanna help him.”
“That’s a good thought. I’m proud of you, my boy.”
“Give me one dollar every day, so I can help him, Dad.”

A week later…

“Dad, I wanna help another homeless man too. Give me two dollars.”

Two weeks later…

“Dad, I wanna help another homeless man too. Give me three dollars.”

One fine day, the curious dad follows his son to meet the homeless men.

One man was selling ice creams, one, burger, and the other one, doughnuts.

image by Ulkar — purchased by the publisher

This story is a part of the micro-humor series on ‘diabolical duo — son and dad’.

Click this link to read the rest of the stories:



Random Awesome

A creative neuro-scientist, fascinated by the world of fiction and ageing neuroscience. Email @