Humor, Family, Featured Author

The Diabolical Duo Strikes Again!

This mischievous father/son team packs a hilarious punch

Toni Tails
Random Awesome
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2020


all graphics on this piece are created by the author using elements purchased from Ulkar

Random Awesome Author Spotlight

About Chirag

The Medium world knows me by name, Chirag. I live in India with my loving husband and adorable four-year-old daughter. I enjoy cooking, crafting, and writing. No pets yet, I’m not so fond of them — but my daughter loves cats, and she always asks her dad to bring her one.

How it Started

The writer ghost possessed me only last June of 2019 when it forced me into penning my first short fiction — A Black Cat and the Dark Human Mind. It was published at GiaB. It is very special to me, and I am pleased that Medium curated it. My special thanks to Jay Squires and Victor Sarkin, both of whom I respect a lot and always be grateful for their kindness and support.



Toni Tails
Random Awesome

CEO of Toni Tails Design | Published Author & Illustrator| Body Positive Graphic Artist | Autism Mama | Survivor of Child Sex Abuse | PTSD ADHD Queer | she/her