30 Day Selfie With Stranger Challenge — Photo Journey

Prabhu Krishnamoorthy
Random Good Thoughts
5 min readFeb 7, 2017

People are easy to approach and they are ready to help fellow humans. Don’t believe what media or others are projecting about current situation. Period

Before starting my January month 30-day challenge I asked my friends through FB which challenge should I take up. Close to 40 people voted and majority of them choose selfie challenge.

Here is my strangers selfie list with little note on where I met them, things I know about them within our few minute conversation.

1 ) New year Bash — Luckily I kicked off my challenge on new year eve which was much easier to approach someone new and ask for selfie. The very first guy who started my 2017 with Big YES.

While taking the photo he talked about current state of politics in TN

2) Bookstore Guy — Bookstore the Place where many of my friends wanted to work FULL TIME without PAY.

3) Instructor in driving school — met this nice guy in road side tea shop. Without my hesitation he said YES

4) Techie — Other state guy while waiting for his friend to pick up I requested for slefie. He enquired and the nodded YES.

Nice Mallu guy.

5) Wrong Route To Right Guy — While racing from office to home, missed a turn. While try to trace back my route met this Auto Driver. I am sure he still thinks I am crack for doing these kind of things.

I wish he runs on meter :P

6) Lift = Photo — He asked for lift while I am my way to office. We became friends during our journey and he even asked me to refer him if any job opening comes up in my organisation.

7 ) Udaya Suriyan In Bangalore — Only after capturing selfie with him I introduced myself formally and asked his name “Udaya Suriyan” he father is die hard DMK fan. Most of the time he introduces himself as Udai or Udaya not by his full name.

8 ) All the way from North East India — He is a college student from who traveled loooong distance and doing his bachelor degree in an Arts college in Bangalore .

9) Not A Complete Stranger — Though he works as a security in my apartment I haven’t meet him. Used this opportunity to say hi and take a photo with him.

10 ) Chitra mam — With most of the time I just take a snap without worrying much about quality or lighting. But when I took a photo with chitra mam she asked me show to check the quality. And she was not happy with photography skill so she asked for One more. Only with the second photo she got little satisfied.

11) Curious school kid who raised all sorts of questions before saying yes.

12) Check your petrol tank before starting your vehicle. That’s the lesson I learned from this guy when he asked for lift to the nearest petrol bunk.

P.S: Do you see the water bottle he is about to use for getting petrol.

13) He was happily playing in our apartment park till I ask for selfie.

Sorry I couldn’t make him to smile for the post.

14 ) Met this london girl when I went for social awareness event in Elliot’s Beach.

15) Retired Banker. Caught him while he was happily playing Table Tennis with his grandson.

16) IT guy.

17) Failed Entrepreneur

18) I have very bad lighting sense

19) On Regular weekday

20) Volunteer In Marina Beach Protest. He was volunteering continuously for 5 day.

21) Another security guy. Not like previous guy, I have seen him many time but haven’t spoke with him. Now we exchange smiles every time.

22) Neighborhood

23) Nice family men. Caught him while he was playing with daughter. (Hope I do the same with my kids)

24) In Mumbai Airport.

25) Asian Traveler. When I pitched him about my 30-day selfie challenge, he thought I was asking him to take my picture with his DSLR.

26) In Front of Famous Taj Hotel in Mumbai


28) When I met a Tamil tourist group in Mumbai.

29) 70+ strong guy.

30) He is the most quickest guy to say YES for my request.

31) Sorry, I forget how ended up taking photo with this guy :P


